Sunday, 28 October 2012

I've been playing again!!!........


With wooden bobbins and fabric scraps this time! Well we HAVE to use up all the scraps don't we?!
I LOVE wooden cotton bobbins, and you all know I LOVE vintage sheets! The sheets are easy to explain, they are soooo lovely, but why wooden cotton bobbins? That one I'm not sure about...any thoughts?
I backed the fabric scraps with interface, then stuck them on! Well, here in the UK we have been given an extra hour today, haven't we! Now just indulge me a overload!!!
I'm thinking of threading silver cotton through them and popping on the Christmas tree, or a garland, or put a little pin cushion on them! A christmas wreath would look good! Any ideas welcome, the more inventive the better!
Thank you all so much for your comments yesterday, they are very much appreciated! It was scary at the time, just another lesson in life. If I'm to be totally honest though, I'd rather not have to keep learning these lessons, just carry on life in total oblivion! However, the power(s) that be, feel I need to learn a lot of things!!!
Welcome to all those new to my little blog, thank you for joining in the fun, and thank you sooo much for leaving your thoughts, opinions and advice!
I'm going to have a little Bloggy break this week, just beginning to feel a little tired, so I'm going to have a rest, before 'They' decide I need to learn another lesson!!! Mind you, part of resting includes lots of reading, so I will still be popping in to see you all!
Take Care Sweeties!
Ada :) x



  1. oh they are lovely! I think the wooden bobbins are steeped in the best vintage charm and probably remind us of our childhoods. I love the garland idea or christmas decorations. Also little pin cushions would be fantastic. or you could just carry on playing with them!! Heather x

    1. Yes, let's get the toddlers into vintage early! Ada :)

  2. Wooden bobbins are definitely things of beauty ... love your little spools ... maybe make that garland ... it would look great in a craft space ... enjoy your rest ... Bee xx

  3. Love them, great idea Ada! :-)
    And I just read your post about nearly losing your eyesight: so so scary! :-|

  4. Ooh I love them, they'll look gorgeous on the tree! Have a restful week Ada!
    Victoria xx

  5. They look gorgeous - I can see them threaded together as a wreath :)

    Enjoy your rest week :) xx

  6. I love them! I like VintageVicki's idea of making them into a wreath. Enjoy your week Ada, may it be restful. Elaina xo

  7. Fab idea Ada! Do they fit in the printer's trays?
    Have a lovely week off. I breathed a sigh of relief on Friday as the last child went out through the classroom door. A making week I feel...

    1. Perfect fit!
      I will fill one of my white ones just with the bobbins and take a photo! Ada :)

    2. Can't wait to see it!

  8. hi- I wanted to buy some wallpaper from you on Etsy, to cover a sewing box, but need some pieces a tad larger than the cut sizes you have for sale.
    Would it be possible to have a price if I sent you the size I need? I could have it in one piece if that makes it easier for you rather than cutting bits!
    kind wishes Elaine

    1. Hi, I will do custom packs for anyone who has specific needs! All inclusive service, I aim to please! Ada :)

  9. I love them too have loads! Excellent idea they'd look great on a christmas tree or maybe a mobile hanging thingy! smiles Cass x

  10. I too love those wooden cotton reels the plastic ones are just not the same. What a great way to recycle them.
    Sarah x

  11. These look really pretty, they would look great with some ribbon threaded through for Christmas decs. I love wooden cotton reels too, I would love a glass jar of ones like this - just to look pretty next to my crafty jars of buttons and ribbons! Have a good week Ada. x

    1. Yes, I was thinking of putting some in one of my glass jars, good idea! Ada :)

  12. Love the cotton reels! I'm always on the look out for the old wooden ones but never find them. I can think of so many things to use them for, the pincushion idea is great or you could use them to decorate a larger pincushion. I'll post some pictures of some I have made when I get time. Thanks for your support, Mrs RV x

  13. I LOVE your bobbins. I think the appeal lies in their shape and the fact that they are wooden, which is very tactile. I think they would look fantastic strung together. x

  14. A wonderful haul of wooden bobbins Ada....where on earth did you find these?
    They look great teamed with vintage fabric and you certainly have had fun playing with them.
    A garland or wreath would look great, perfect for a crafty person such as your self........

    Claire :}

    1. I've picked them up on my travels, my friend gave me some empty ones from her gran, Ada :)

  15. Such pretty bobbins!! I have quite a collection too, so thanks for inspiring me to make them pretty! Enjoy your break sweet friend! xo Heather

  16. What do you think about a nice curtain for a doorway???
    I love wooden bobbins, too!!!
    xxx Ale

    1. ....add some beads....paper beads, handmade by you with some of your wallpapers...
      xxx Ale

  17. It pays to be a hoarder sometimes as these cotton reels show, as soon as I saw them I thought of pin cushions but I do not think you need that many so just stacked as you have them looks good and as suggested at christmas make a garland. I find most embroiderers also have a love of wood, I have lots of wooden boxes and some lovely driftwood which is so tactile and lovely to look at.
    Hope you are feeling better soon, enjoy your rest period and REST

  18. Rest and recover Ada
    Lovely cotton reels - there must be something going on in the ether because I had recently done a similar thing but with stamping a design and the tiny buttons! Mine are intended for the Christmas tree - though we have more than enough decorations as it is...
    Take care
    Best wishes

  19. Gorgeous Ada! Enjoy your well deserved rest!!

  20. I love the idea of them on the Christmas tree! I'm going to my first antique auction this week - I could not be more nervous :) Wish you could accompany me & you could buy more printer trays/bobbins. Yes, take a break so that you don't get burned out on blogging - I love your blog!! XOL

  21. They would look great with little elves sat on them!

  22. I just read your previous post. Ada, what a time you've had. All of us really need to be thankful for what we have, don't we. I'm slowly losing my hearing (a fault line in the family), but it's easier to deal with knowing I can still create. I love the wooden spools in this post. I have a small assortment that I add to every time I spy them at the thrift store. I like the ornament idea, but would probably make them into an ornament I could hang in my sewing area rather than a Christmas decoration which would be hidden most of the year. Maybe a garland to hang them sideways? A pincushion would only cover the all-important label, and that's what makes the spools all that more special. Great idea of wrapping them in fabric! I too love colour and your site here is a perfect colour fix in each post. Wendy :)

    1. I think whatever I do, they will be out on display all year! I've always got a Christmas decoration out, even in the summer! Ada :)

  23. These bobbins look very appealing, I think I'd display them just as they are, perhaps in a shadow box to keep them from getting too dusty. I bought some shadow boxes from Ikea ages ago and they are good for making little displays.
    I was busy making this weekend myself, I think it is the time of year. Have a good rest, you've been doing lots of fabulous posts lately and they do take time and energy.

    1. I'll look out for one next time I'm in ikea! Ada :)

  24. Oh so clever. I would display them in a clear glass, candy or cookie jar. Next to the candy jar that has buttons in it, of course. Love all the photos. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are sitting back with feet up and enjoying your day.

  25. What a sweet idea! I love wooden bobbins like these too, and you have made them really pretty! The photos are great too...I just love lots of the same things in groups, it really appeals to me! Have a happy week, Ada :)
    Helen x

  26. Fantastic! You are so clever. I
    I like the thought of them on a Christmas branch with some vintage looking coloured fairy lights. Have a lovely rest xx

  27. So pretty..I would have never thought of adding fabric, but I think it's a fab idea :)
    Have a nice and relaxing week x

  28. Hi Ada, lovely spools! When I saw the top photo the first thing I thought was to make a Christmas tree of them, and have it as an ornament sitting somewhere pretty! Have a good rest. x

  29. Hi Ada,
    Just catching up with you on here!
    Sending thoughts out to you on your earlier post,life can hit hard at times and it certainly knows how to hurt, dear friend x
    I am with every one else here, great idea and it adds too all the loveliness of those cute bobbins!!
    Enjoy the break for the half term, I used to love the change of routine....
    Thanks for kind words always.
    Love Maria x

  30. I love wooden spools they are so tactile and look great like this.

  31. Love your idea of adding fabric to these little bobbins how about teaming them up with fabric flowers into a garland for your workroom a different take on bunting

  32. They look gorgeous and all your ideas on what to do with them sound great. They will look beautiful on the tree or anywhere else too.

  33. I love your spools Ada, such a clever idea! Wooden spools are so much nicer than their plastic cousins.
    I actually used to sleep in a bed with sheets made from the fabric on the 4th from left spool on the bottom row in your first photo. :)
    Vivienne x

  34. Beautiful, I agree with you ... they would look gorgeous on the tree... or as display in a craft room, they are decoration you can use year round. I really do enjoy your blog so I hope you're not gone too long xx

  35. Take care m'dear, rest up.

    Oh, and I think these belong on a Christmas tree :D

  36. Thanks everyone for your lovely ideas! It seems a lot of LOVE wooden bobbins! Ada :) x

  37. These are just lovely ... what an inspired idea. Would look fab in a big old sweetie jar. M x

  38. oh, das sind ja süsse ideen mit den spulen und kästen. ich finde ihren blog sehr schön
    liebe grüsse elfriede aus österreich


Hello! Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts and messages with me. I read each and everyone and will try and answer any questions as quickly as I can! :)x