Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Playing with P's.......

I've been playing again, with Printers trays, Paint, Paste and Paper! Been making a lot of mess! I LOVE making a mess, don't you!

Want to see the result? Of course you do!

They take sooo long to paint and paper, but it's no hardship, honest!
I'm very busy at the moment, getting everything ready for my little Etsy shop! Need a bit of advice please.....how do I put a link to my shop, on my blog? I am trying to read all your blogs, but might not always be able to leave comments! Also, I'm making up some little wallpaper craft packs, do you think people would prefer these to be a good mix of colours, or all pinks, blues etc.? At the moment, I'm not planning to sell wallpaper by the meter, is that something people would be interested in? Sorry for the customer survey, but I want things I sell to be affordable and pitch goods at the right level.
Some of you will know, I grew up in a sweet shop, great eh! Well my Dad always wanted me to run it, I turned down the offer, didn't want the hassle of my own business! I know this is only a very little shop, but I think he would of been proud, as well as thinking I was a little mad!
I haven't got my own fancy labels, I'm not any business woman, but I hope to share my retro love! I want to keep the parcels as recyclable as possible, any ideas how I can protect them from the elements? I can only think of plastic!
Big Hello to all my new followers, perhaps you are mad too! And thank you to Everyone who takes the time to leave me some little words!
To celebrate opening my little shop (yes, bit delusional too, it's only an Etsy shop Ada, not Harrods!), I am having a giveaway at the end of the week, Vintage Wallpaper, of course!!!
Ada :) x


  1. Love the printer trays so much! Very excited to hear about the planned Etsy shop. You can add a link button that looks like the buttons you have for your favourite blogs already. This really helped me: http://www.mypregnancybaby.com/how-to-make-blog-button-code/ - to add one to your blog go to 'Layout' - 'Add a Gadget' then choose the HTML option and paste your code in before saving. And the wallpaper craft packs and wallpaper by the metre sound wonderful.

    Anna. x

    1. Thanks Anna, the packs look great! Mind you as an addict, I would say that! Ada :)

  2. Ada, those trays are gorgeous! To get your shop to link to the blog you need to: Go into layout and add a gadget. Then select link list and just put your web address there. You can call it Shop and it'll connect straight through. Hope that helps. x

    1. Thanks Jen! Always feel a bit nervous at this kind of thing! Ada :)

  3. Wow those printers trays are FABULOSO!!

    I'd offer a variety of wallpaper packs. Some with mixed colours and some with a central colour theme. And yes, why not offer by the metre, if you have enough? I have seen it for sale on Etsy and other web shops per metre.

    To link to your shop you need the shop URL. Then go into blogger Layout and add a gadget. You can do a picture with a link, or add a link list. Or maybe the html/third party gadget.

    1. Oh and Poundland does bubble envelopes in packs of 7 or 5 or 3 (depending on size). Those will keep the wallpaper safe and sound - don't know how recyclable they are though. Unfortunately I think to be waterproof you might have to go the plastic route.

    2. Thanks Wendz, will have a jiggle with things tomorrow! Ada :)

  4. Oh Ada you make me laugh!
    I love your printers trays they are bloomin gorgeous.
    I'm having the same thoughts as you with the packaging etc. and not sure about the mix of colours (not wallpaper but fabrics) It's so hard to judge.
    I do know how to put the link onto your blog but I can't remember at this moment, besides Iv'e only nipped home from work to let the dog out for a quick wee so I will check it out later and let you know what to do, unless someone has already given you the advice

    speak soon
    : )

    1. You're like me- reading blogs in every spare bit of time! Amazing what you can do with snippets of time! Ada :)

  5. Hi Ada,
    It's a long time ago but I remember in Etsy there is a page where you can download a code to put the Etsy button on your blog page (search in "Help" to find it) As others have said, you paste the code into the layout page under gadgets, add a link.
    I have bought wallpaper packs from Etsy. The wallpaper was in a thin glassine type envelope/bag to keep it dry and I would suggest this then needs to be in a card backed envelope to stop the packet being bent (we have a small letter box and the postie folds things in half and pushes them through, grrr). You can buy card backed envelopes in bulk on eBay. Best of luck.

    Love the trays and the way you have carried the wallpaper designs across the squares.
    Hen x

    1. Thanks Hen, I'll have a look on Etsy tomorrow! Ada :)

  6. Your printers trays are so pretty and you have such dedication. I love them.. My little man wants to line his with old Beano comic strips ... got to admit I've been putting it off. You have shamed me!! M x

    1. Beano printers tray! Love it, go on! Or send me the stuff and I'll do it! Ada :)

  7. I love your printers trays, they must take hours - if you are anything like me, you probably spend most of the time trying to decide which paper should go where to give the best effect! They are really lovely. I hope I don't miss them going on sale because I think I now know what Mr RV is buying me for Christmas. I have also bought scrap packs of wallpaper before via Etsy and they have always come in cellophane packets in a card backed envelope, larger pieces come in cardboard tubes and they have always arrived safely even from overseas. I shall look out for those too, better start saving my pennies! x

    1. Thanks for your advice! I don't really think about where the paper should go, I just go with the flow! It's the painting and cutting that takes an age! Ada :)

  8. Your printers trays are really lovely. There are a couple of ways you can link to your shop. Either from the etsy site. I can't remember where to find it but somewhere they have some sort of special code you can use to create an etsy button on your blog. You might have to do a search on their site. I did it the other way round. I went into gadgets on blogger. Added a picture which is one I always use for Linen and Roses and was able to add a link so just put in the URL for my shop. So if anyone clicks on the picture it takes them to the shop. This is currently my folksy shop but as I'm thinking of swapping back to etsy I will be changing the link URL. I also set up matching buttons to take people to my Facebook and Pinterest pages. If you look on my blog page they're up at the top of the left hand column if you want to see what I mean. Thanks for tagging me by the way. I will try to get around to doing it. Never very good at the tag thing but thanks for including me anyway. Fiona x

    1. Thanks Fiona, I've resisted Facebook, but I think I might have too, another thing for me to get my head around, it's a good job I've got you lot! Ada :)

  9. Your printers trays are absolutely gorgeous Ada! You must have a great deal of patience!
    Victoria xx

  10. Hello lovely Ada, I think the shop button question has been answered by lots of people but as I am definitely interested in buying some of your wallpaper, I'll chuck in my tuppence worth - as my Mum says! Personally I like a mix of colours but I prefer brights to pastels - I reckon a variety is a great idea - blues/greens, pinks/purples, oranges/yellows etc and then mixed brights and mixed pastels. Then people will be able to choose a pack that is just what they want. Good luck with it all, can't wait to put my order in! Rachel xx

    1. Thanks Rachel, have done that, they look great, my eyes have been dazzled with it all! Ada :)

  11. yep one mad one here!
    I love printer trays, and you've made them so pretty!
    Good luck with setting up your etsy shop, I've been saying that I will open one for years, I just never seem to get round to it xx

  12. Your printer trays are GORGEOUS. Will they be on sale too? I think make the wallpaper packs up with a variety of different colours, as that is what I would order! You could always put a message on your shop saying that you can tailor orders for a customer who wanted, say, all pink or blue for a nursery or something. So excited for you! x

    1. Yes, the trays will go on, just working out pricing, I'm rubbish at this sort of stuff! I think custom orders would be good too, thanks! Ada :)

  13. I think you could do both - single colour and mixed. I am sure there is a market for this. And you can always list for metre wallpaper and see if there is a market. You can always save packaging to reuse - you could get everyone you know to save it for you, that way it doesn't matter about what material it is. If you need protective packaging you can use shredded paper - either get a small shredder for your own paper, or perhaps from an office?

    Pomona x

    1. I have a blanket box full of old packaging! Hopefully I might be able to use some! Ada :)

  14. Give yourself a big pat on the back Ada, congratulations on your new shop! xxx

  15. The trays look fab with all the different designs lining the bottom, pattern within pattern...

    1. Thanks for visiting me April, hope you will pop back! Ada :)

  16. Hi Ada, can't wait for your new shop to open! And those printers trays are amazing :-) For the packs you could do a "mixed retro pack" of colours and then colour co-ordinated packs eg. blues, pinks, yellow, oranges. After a few customer orders it should give you an idea of what sells. xo

  17. How exciting ... can't wait to see your shop ... love the trays ... I would sell a mix and match of colours ... you can do custom orders on etsy for individual customer requests ... I have no experience of selling on etsy ... but I have bought quite a few things by doing this ... are you selling some of you stitchy makes as well .... so excited for you ... I expect your Dad would be bursting with pride :) ... Bee xx

  18. Your trays are all bright and beautiful! Congratulations on starting your etsy, shop I am sure you will do well
    Thea x

  19. Great post, I was wondering about the button too! I don't know about you but I keep feeling I might have forgotten something for my shop, or done something wrong! I like the idea of separate brights and pastel wallpaper packs by the way! X

  20. Drooool. Love your printers trays. So excited about your shop. A mixture of wallpaper most definitely. Variety is best after all! xx

  21. They are so beautiful. I've just made one, using just one pattern of wallpaper and I was thinking of posting about it tomorrow, but looking at these...maybe I will wait a little!
    Good luck with the shop, I'd certainly buy from you.

  22. Gorgeous, gorgeous. Etsy today, who knows where tomorrow so congratulations on your new venture. Very exciting indeed.
    I love your printers trays!

  23. The printers trays look wonderful.So excited about your wallpaper packs coming, I would love mixed packs of colours, I like the brights myself. I just bought some from somewhere else and they came sandwiched between to layers of cardboard and then wrapped in brown paper, have also bought a print that came with that clear cellophane sheeting over hard card, both are good. I too would buy buy wallpaper but the metre if it was an option. Good luck with it all, so very exciting. mel x

    1. I've been chopping up a strong cardboard box that our cooker came in, hard work, it's like concrete, or maybe my scissors aren't that sharp! I will get a few cardboard tubes in for meter lengths if that's what you want! I aim to serve! Ada :)

  24. Brava Ada!!! My big compliments for your new shop adventure!!! I wish you all the best!!! Are you delivering even in Indonesia? Let me know!!! ;oD
    xxxx Alessandra

    1. I'll find out the cost Alessandra! I want to spread the vintage wallpaper love!!! Ada :)

  25. Love this Ada!! Can't wait for your shoppe to open!! If you go on Etsy under your admin, there should be on the left side under Promote it says "Etsy Mini" that should give you the html code to put on your sidebar. Hope that helps! xo Heather

  26. Yahooo for you...your shop will be amazing. I so want to visit your shop! xoxoxo I love these trays.

  27. Simply scrumptious! All of it!! My great-grandparents owned a candy factory in the US - the family story is that they invented the way to package candy canes so they wouldn't break in transport. I haven't found written evidence of this, but makes for a good story!

    1. Wow! A whole factory, and I thought a shop was good! Ada :)

  28. oh i can't wait to have a browse through your shop! and the giveaway! xx

  29. Sending you Ada, the bestest wishes ****** for your Etsy shop!!
    I am a thinking you will do really well!! hehe..
    LoVe Maria x

  30. Oo Ada It is all so exciting! I found I could make lovely labels and packaging using a stamp. You can have them made up to your own design or buy them off the shelf. See here http://www.stitchesandseeds.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/pretty-packaging.html and here http://www.stitchesandseeds.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/treasure-in-post.html .

    Also for water proofing you can get biodegradable cellulose based 'plastic' bags.

    As for a link... you can add a picture in the layout bit of blogger and it gives you the option to make it into a link.

    Hope that helps.

    Eleanor xx

    PS Trays are amazing!

    1. Thanks for the info Eleanor, I like the idea of a stamp! Anything that makes things a little easier! Ada :)

  31. Hello, how lovely wallpapers you have!!! It would be so great to get those for my projects too, it's so my style! I collect everything that you can recycle, old jeans, fabrics, pearls, old cd-records, old ribbons and buttons etc. It's so nice to have a lot of material and then start planning what to make and how... This is a wonderful blog you have, thankyou for that! Best wishes, sunflower

    1. Thank you Sunflower! I love turning old stuff into something with a new lease of life! Hope you will visit again soon! Giveaway imminent! Ada :)

  32. The end result of the chaos of your mess was well worth it! The printer trays all look so cheery - I can think of all sorts of things to put on display in them! It was fun seeing a little peek into the real you on your previous post - thanks for sharing all that you do :)

  33. I have a thing for wallpapering stuff - it's very beautiful and very effective. I love what you've done.

    Nina x

  34. They are lovely and so colourful. How wonderful to be opening your Etsy shop I am sure it will be very successful.
    Sarah x

  35. Wow, you have been busy! These are just amazing! I am sorely tempted to buy one for myself. But I must resist as I am hoping to get to Australia to see my sis this Christmas and funds must go towards that!

    1. Sisters are more important than printers trays, no mater how nice they area, I can always make one for you when you get back! Ada :)

  36. Those are zing-tastic! One could never fail to smile when setting eyes on such a cheerful printers' tray. I think they will be a real hit!

  37. These look fantastic, love the variety of colour. Mind you when buying packs I like the idea of a blue pack etc as often go with colour themes in areas of my home. Good luck with it all. G

  38. How exciting, Ada, that you are opening up an ETSY shop! Congrats!!!

    You can add an etsy mini widget to your blog page (so people can see things for sale in your shop from your blog page) by going to your etsy page. And if you click your info and appearance button, when that page comes up, to the left will be lots of options to click on, one of them is called Etsy mini. If you click on that you can crate your own Etsy widget for your personal website (blog page). Just copy and paste the code onto your blog page by adding the HTML/JavaScript widget.

    I hope that makes sense to you! I tried to make it as simple as I could! If you need any help, please feel free to drop me a line!

    You are very creative and talented!

    Take care,

  39. Another voice shouting Wow! They are GoRgEoUs!!! I'm not the biggest wallpaper fan (sorry) but who could resist one of those trays.

    Fabulous luck with the Etsy shop m'dear xxx

  40. FAB ! I have an apple shaped tray which I'm just itching to get started on with my papers. Good luck with your shop Ada :-)

  41. Ps, i sell wallpaper packs and they do very well so I am sure yours will be a hit x

  42. Ada, didn't read all your comments, did you find out how to put your link onto etsy? Have lost your email Doh! can you mail me at thehappycaravan@gmail.com please and talk links and VINTAGE WALLPAPER!
    Sharon xxxx

  43. Your printers trays are gorgeous, Ada! I think your etsy shop will do very well, you are so naturally creative and have a good eye for design... and there are lots of people in blogland to help with advice for getting started :) Good luck...I look forward to visiting!
    Have a great weekend.
    Helen x

    1. Thank you so much Helen, it's very kind of you to say! Ada :)

  44. You really are one talented and creative lady... Those trays are gorgeous!! You have a great eye for colour. Congrats on the Etsy shop!
    Have a fab weekend,
    Louise xx

  45. Oh dear Ada. I see you are just as busy as me with your crafty adventure. Good for you!!! Looking forward to see your ETSY. Let me know if you need help with an ETSY banner, it is kind of a tricky format on it... I can make you one quite easy as Congrats and Good luck present. All the best for your ETSY! Oh, gorgeous shelves/trays whatever they are called. Scrumptious and very VERY Scandinavian. Me like! And thanks for all your support. I am here every now and then although I seldom leave a trail.:D

  46. Oh Ada!!
    Your papers are lovely and I think I may have joined you twice in my eagerness to join your giveaway!!
    Daisy J x


Hello! Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts and messages with me. I read each and everyone and will try and answer any questions as quickly as I can! :)x