Monday, 10 December 2012

Silver Linings....Keeping My Balance....


Well I haven't needed a visit from the Past, Present and Future Ghosts to count my blessings! I know just how lucky I am!
Dickens 'Christmas Carol' is our absolute favourite family film at this time of year. We love the Muppets version, which has us all in hysterics, but we also love the Walt Disney animated version, which scares us all...just a little bit!
Mum painted this many years ago, it's very precious to us. It lights up at night, at the moment Little Bea spends hours acting out the story (and a few of her own), with the characters.
Most of you who read this blog, will know I'm a Silver Lining sort of Person, well in training anyway, still have some way to go before I get any kind of certificate!
Everyone is so busy at the moment with their Christmas preparations, I am taking quite a leisurely approach to all things Christmas, taking my time. I need to keep balanced. I need to keep my stress levels low, not always easy!
A few years ago I was working full time, in a 'full on' job that I loved, I felt so passionate about what I was doing but it was very stressful. I've always been a bit of a stress junkie, never happy unless I was juggling lots of balls in the air!
Whilst working full time, caring for the girls (Mr Bea featured heavily in this too, of course!), trying very hard to keep Mum safe as the Alzheimer's took hold, I began to feel ill.
I ignored how I felt, I never stopped to listen to my body. After a while my body finally got me to listen, it just stopped. In a second my body went from working- to still. It was determined to get me to listen, and I did!
It took me many months to build up my strength again. After lots of tests I was diagnosed with a 'progressive, incurable' condition.
So what's the silver lining?
Well now I don't take my health for granted anymore! I take very good care of myself, eat well, take plenty of rest, exercise and above all keep my life BALANCED.
And it's working! My, incurable, progressive condition is starting to behave itself! I know how aggressive it can be, and I know that by taking good care of myself I am keeping it under control. I also know it's waiting in the wings, if I start to let things slip!
I know there are lots of you reading this who have more challenging illnesses/conditions to manage than I have. So if anyone is feeling stressed, please listen to what your body is telling you, try and keep things simple, balanced.
So this Christmas, I won't be rushing around, I shall take my time, everything will get done, eventually. Now, I'm just off to write my Christmas cards......
Sorry for the rather random photos...they were taken over the weekend, we did manage to decorate our tree, Mr Bea had a fab birthday dinner, and last night we went for our annual Christmas Winter Walk to see the local lights! Just lovely, family time, no need to rush....
Ada :) x


  1. Glad your finding a balance that works for you, take it easy. Sarah x

  2. Sorry to hear about your illness. You're right to put your health above everything else. My daughter has ME and I know how badly stress affects her. There's far too much emphasis put on Christmas these days in the media. Best to ignore it and do just what you feel like doing! xx

  3. Keep listening and keep balancing. With a tree up and cards being written you're way ahead of me in the Christmas stakes!!

  4. Bless you, Dear Ada, I loved the honesty in this post, dear friend....
    We do try to be super Mums and life has this way of kicking us hard when we are down.
    I changed my life accordingly to adjust to my Mums long, long journey with Alziemers also.I always feel now that nothing can hurt me as much as those years nursing Mum and I am perhaps stronger than what I first thought. .Please take care of You and I agree so much that we should all listen to our bodies, especially at this crazy time of year! Sending you my thoughts as always...
    Love Maria x

  5. Totally agree Ada, it's not the presents or a huge Waitrose food bill that makes Christmas. Enjoy your family and friens - take time to relax, spend time out walking and watching family films. Just tried to book pantomime tickets but am unwilling and unable to justify spending £100.
    Sally x

  6. Take good care of yourself (and it sounds like you are) this time of year. I'm going slow and simple this year for the month of December, avoiding craziness where possible. x

  7. Bless you Ada, take care of you for a change! There us always a silver lining if we look for it I think!

    Claire xxx

  8. You are so wise, but sadly it often takes a big event to teach us these things. I am glad you have taken the silver from the lining and allow it to sparkle..many don't and their lining can tarnish and become dull.
    But as a wise person once said.." wisdom is wasted on the young" or something like that. I am gald to have made your acquaintance in the blogging world and wish you and your family a truely peaceful and happy Christmas.
    Think of me eating cold cuts in very hot temps over this side of the world, and enjoy your hot roast and winter season.

  9. Dear Ada,
    Taking pleasure in the simple things with the people we love is what its all about really is'nt it you are so wise!
    I am glad that you are able to do this,
    Lots of love to you and your family...
    D x

  10. A very thought provoking post Ada. We all try to do so much. I too used to 'thrive'(?!) on stress in a busy litigation law firm. I know how stress can take its toll if you aren't paying enough attention. I've definitely slowed down these days. Sometimes we just need to remember to stop and smell the roses every so often! Enjoy this slllllooooooooowwwww season with the people that matter to you most :) Wendy

    ps your tree looks lovely! (mine isn't even up yet - nor cards sent)

  11. Beautiful work! On all accounts! xx

  12. It's so easy to get caught up in everything at this time of year, but no-one important ever notices the little things that don't get done, if what has been done has been done with love, if you get what I mean. You keep that balancing act going - you sound super organised! - and carry on taking care of yourself. And belated Happy Birthday to Mr Bea!

  13. Beautiful and wise words Ada...I've always felt that time spent together is more precious to me than having a big house full of we have made choices that result in us being cash-poor but rich in love and quality time spent together as a family. It suits us and definitely keeps stress levels low. I'm so glad you've been able to find a balance that works for you and enables you to see that silver lining! xx

  14. I agree with you, being kind to yourself is not only good, but essential. Keep up the good work! Xx

  15. I haven't managed to learn this lesson yet, but you're absolutely right. You would think we crafters would be adept at staying calm, what with the time we spent doing therapeutic work, perhaps sipping tea and mentally mulling life over as we go. Must keep trying!

    Love love your decorations :)

    Anna x

  16. Very wise words, indeed, dear Ada. We all must work to find the balance of our bodies. Illnesses take a toll on mind, body and soul and the only way to deal effectively with them is to try to stay on a level plane. I have RA and a lot of people ask how I am always so cheerful. My answer is that if I don't laugh, I will cry and that's no way to live. Lovely Christmas tree. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  17. Ada you are so right to look after yourself ... Christmas will come and go and all the extra fussing doesn't make it any more special ... a loving family and great traditions are all we need ... have a lovely week ... Bee xx

  18. Hello Ada
    Glad your are taking things easy.. I agree it is very important to listen to what your body is telling you..Iam pleased you are enjoying Christmas preparations at your own pace
    Special warm wishes
    Thea x

  19. I am always googly-eyed at the decorations peeps put up in their gardens - we didn't have that kind of thing in South Africa - maybe they do now, I don't know. Somehow I doubt it's on the scale it is here (never mind the USA!!)

    Around here there are a few houses that have gone stark, staring mad with place is all in bright white and red ....trees, shrubs, lamp posts, house outline, windows- looks like a petrol station from a distance..makes me laugh out loud every night. Then there's one that's like a fairground on steroids. All good fun though. :)

    Love the blow up christmas scene you snapped - such a hoot.

    Can't believe it's time to think about getting a tree - maybe over the weekend...not before, I don't think. (It will be a miracle if we do get it this weekend - normally it's a day or two before christmas day...haha...we are pathetic, no?)

    Take care of yourself - I am sure you will. x

  20. I'm sorry you've had your share of bad luck healthwise but pleased you are managing it well. Thank goodness you are able to take it easier now, your body is clearly thanking you for that.
    Take care and enjoy the festivities.
    Kate x

  21. Wishing you a peaceful and joyful Christmas season sweet Ada! Your tree is beautiful! xo Heather

  22. Wise words as always Ada. So glad you can find the positive in a difficult diagnosis, so hard but so so important. You are an inspiration, both in your words and especially with your gorgeous creations. mel x

  23. I would love to have the possibility to hug you so tight ada ....!!!!
    xxxxx Alessandra

  24. I could actually feel my breathing slowing down while I read this post Ada, your words are so true and obviously quite calming!
    It's easy to get swept up in the hype of Christmas, especially in the UK, it's WAAAAY more relaxed here in Australia (a wee bit too relaxed for my preferences!) I absolutely love your tree, those fine needle spruces are my favourite and there's nothing like a neighborhood stroll to check out the local Christmas delights!
    Jo x

  25. I'm sorry the hear that you also have an illness. But it sounds like you are in charge of yours, and doing well. I'm working on that! I'm going to take your words to heart in the New Year, and try very hard to be more health-minded!
    Take Care Ada, and Happy Holidays!
    Erica :)

  26. Truly words of wisdom from you Ada, continue on the route you are on as it is working so well and thank you for sharing your thought with us. Your Mum made a wonderful job of the Christmas scene.

  27. You are entirely right not to let Christmas overwhelm you. Christmas seems to have become a competitive sport for many people and I hate that. Love, family, friends and kindness - that's all that matters. Good for you for raising the subject. I wonder if you've ever read Ingrid Bacci's book, 'The Art of Effortless Living', I highly recommend it and I think her attitude to life might resonate with you. Best wishes, Anny

  28. Very wise words indeed........your blog is lovely.

  29. Very wise words indeed........your blog is lovely.

  30. Wise words , and just how I live my life these days. I stopped to take notice when I landed in coronary care and spent 12 days there. I now listen to my body, and if things don't get done, they don't get done. I never thought I could be the person I am rather than the stressed, driven person I was, but the change happened, and I'm so glad it did. I'll never be cured either, and have learned to manage my life in a much better way.

  31. Ada I loved your random shots....Your Christmas tree looks so pretty and what a treasure to have from your mother she did a lovely job painting...take care Heidi

  32. I'm so proud of you for taking care of your self many times as a mother we put our selves Heidi

  33. Ada you are very wise indeed! Life teaches us hard lessons sometimes and this year I have learnt to value my health in a way I never did before. You are right, it's all about balance. Take care. xx

  34. Such wise and positive words - I've got better with age listening to my body, though I wasn't always as sensible when I was younger. Now I just think if I need to take it slowly I will.

    take care,

    Nina x

  35. a lovely post Ada. Your mum was obviously a creative lady. So nice that you have these things. the tree's lovely! I'm glad you are listening to your body. I read some good advice lately which was 'whatever's in the way, is the way!'so true don't you think. Heather x

  36. Amen to that! As you know I have RA and ME, luckily I can just about keep both under control, but it doesn't always come easy.

    Take care my friend x

  37. So important to listen to your body, thank you for sharing these words with us. Take care.

  38. Thank you all so much for taking the time to leave me your thoughts, I really do appreciate it! :) x

  39. Yep... listen and be gentle with yourself is what I have to do too... the biggest stress for my body is the cold at the moment... as for crochet I have basic skills and taught those to my mum the other day ,so lovely to be able to pass on something to her...
    I learnt from another blog this morning of a new crochet mag starting jan13 if you pre oder it's only £5 for first 3 editions on trial... I treated myself.... simply crochet scrx19... hugs to you Cx

  40. Ada, I'm so glad taking care of yourself is working and your condition is behaving. Take care and carry on taking things at a steady pace.
    Sarah x


Hello! Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts and messages with me. I read each and everyone and will try and answer any questions as quickly as I can! :)x