Monday, 17 December 2012

What's Happened To Blogger?

Hello Everyone, sorry I've not been around much, will try and visit you all tomorrow!
Does anyone know what's happened to our Blogs?
I can only view everyone's post titles, then need to click to view the whole blog!
I don't like it! :( I can't see all those lovely pictures straight away!
Can anyone enlighten me?
I will close my Etsy shop on Friday, if I can work out how to do it! Those with etsy shops, do you deactivate each listing?
Sorry I sound a bit 'needy'! I really don't get all this techno stuff!
Good news though on the crochet front! I'm starting to see the links! And I'm starting to see when I go wrong, which happens...a lot!
Ada :) x
Mystery solved! Hen has informed me that the 'changes' to how the blogs look seems to only be occurring on iPads, which is what I use! This has made me feel a whole lot better! Still not sure why the changes have occurred though! Thanks Hen!





  1. Hi Ada, I'm not sure but can you post a holiday notice, would that help? well done on seeing the links! Heather x

  2. You just need to put your shop into holiday mode which you'll find in your shop under "shop settings", "options" and "holiday mode" tab. Same here as regards the titles but only on the iPad?
    Hen x

  3. Your tree's looking lovely Ada! My blogger has been ok but just whole internet deathly slow.
    I spy with my little eye a rosedawn teapot lurking on your windowsill!!

  4. I haven't had a problem with blogger....yet. Here's crossed fingers that I don't. I'm not very tech savvy. Love your tree and I knew you could do the crochet. Just keep on keeping on. It will be fine.


  5. I don't know what wrong with blogger, and don't have these
    problems (yet?)

    You can put your shop in vacation mode, you can find it
    under 'options'
    I always write a message in my shop announcement to let people
    i'm on a break...


  6. Wish Blogger would behave himself and stop messing around with our blogs!

    Claire xxx

  7. Hello Ada Bea,
    You have a great blog ! i was search for a christmas tree make of lamp shade in pink. I did see it on a blog and i want to make that blog my favourite, but i forget to save the data.
    Today Maartje from give me your blog name and i see the same i looked for in blue.
    of course i'm following you now, it is beautiful !!!! love it !!

    :-) :-)

  8. Yes it has happened on my iPad too. Slightly annoying ....

  9. I adore your tree , I'm so glad someone was able to help you.....

  10. I can see all your small icons... Closing ETSY... You can put in on vacation mode and everything disappears automatically. You can even add a text telling everyone when you will be open again. Let me know if you need more help. Hugs.

  11. I discovered the same problem yesterday, and im really frustrated about it!!!!!! I Think it came with an Update, but certanly hope there is some kind og solution to it.....

  12. Keep calm and crochet on!!!! ;oD
    xxx Ale

  13. I can't see most of the headers or photos on blogs Ada. Been going on for a while now, but I think it's just my poorly and slow laptops fault.

    Going wrong is good, that's exactly how I learnt what I should be doing with my crochet. Three months of going wrong and thinking what the hell is a turning chain, where do I put my hook each time and then suddenly I could do it. I sometimes asked in the yarn shop too when I didn't get something as they are always really helpful.

    Have fun learning and keep going, you'll get there and then you'll have so much fun when you do.

    Lisa X

  14. Strange - my blogger is fine. I hope yours has fixed now!

    I love your display, you are so creative!

  15. Tee hee, I'd noticed that on my iPad too and thought my hubby had been messing with the settings! Glad you identified the issue and advised us before I blamed him ;-)

  16. Your tree looks fantastic Ada, such a great job.
    I view all my blogs on my iPad too and it's really annoying. I don't understand why they have changed it so it's now in mobile view as we now have to scroll down to the bottom every time to see it in full view. I have just disabled mine, hope it's not a permanent change! xx

  17. Oh I'm in love, your lampshade tree is so beautiful, sigh :) xx

  18. I am on a laptop Ada, so am fine..
    Your lamp shade looks wonderful and full praise to you!!!
    I am absolutely rubbishy with all the techno stuff, so hope you get sorted soon...
    Love Maria x
    Ps thanks for kind words always..

  19. Knock, knock
    Cooeee - just popping round for a mince pie and anything else that might be on offer! Wishing you a restful and happy Christmas Ada Bea
    Best wishes

  20. Oooh, your tree, your tree, I love it Ada. Hope all your techy bits are sorted now,sorry I don't have an etsy shop xox Penelope


Hello! Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts and messages with me. I read each and everyone and will try and answer any questions as quickly as I can! :)x