Saturday, 26 January 2013

A Daughters Gift.....


Each stitch has been made with love, hours of emotion have been poured into this gift. I've loved making it for my Daughter, I want to make her something each and every birthday, for as long as I am able.
It's not perfect, but it doesn't have to be, life's not perfect. I'll be wrapping her presents later, she never asks for much, so sometimes it's hard to know what to buy.
There are some gifts I would love to give her.
I would love to give her the gift of bravery, so she doesn't shy away from life, so she isn't fearful of new experiences......but then perhaps she is brave, perhaps she's the bravest person I know to cope with each day in the way she does.
I'd like to be able to turn down her senses, just a little. Just so sounds weren't quite so loud, smells not so strong, and touch not quite so alarming. I'd like her to be able go through each day without her body telling her to be on alert, to be wary, to be geared up for fight.
I'd love to give her the gift of interpretation, so she truly understands how people act and think. Then she would know how much we love her, how funny her friends think she is, and how much they like being with her.
I'd like her to see what we see, a funny, quirky, beautiful, intelligent girl. Difference is good, difference is what stops us from being boring, but difference can also make things difficult.
So this is my gift to her, but it's only a little of what I'd really love to give her.

And this is what she made me, a book cover, made even more special, by the fact that I know using the sewing machine would have hurt her ears. She's going to show me how to make one, she thinks it would be good to learn to sew, can I help her? Of course I can.....
Ada :) x


  1. Beautifully loving post and such pretty gifts.

  2. Oh Ada, such a beautiful post, you've moved me to tears with the gifts of love you've made for each other. Nothing money can buy could ever be as special as those gifts, that you've poured your heart and soul into. It seems like you have an amazing bond, and although life deals some very bitter blows, the love and care shines through.

    I hope your daughter's birthday is fabulous

    Love Claire xxx

  3. A lovely post and beautiful crochet.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  4. It's beautiful Ada - I'm sure your daughter will treasure it.
    I'm so impressed with how quickly you've learnt to crochet - it's still on my ambition list!

  5. It's a wonderful cushion - your crochet skills are soaring!!

    I wish you could give her all those other gifts.

  6. Oh Ada ... what lovely words ... your eldest is the luckiest little girl in the world to have such a wonderful mum who so obviously understands and cherishes her ... such beautiful gifts and I wish her a most wonderful birthday ... love ... Bee xx

  7. A beautifully written post, and such wonderful gifts! You're very lucky to have each other :) x

  8. What a beautiful post Ada and a beautiful gift for your daughter too. I'm sure she will treasure it for years to come :O)x

  9. So eloquently put Ada, your daughter has such a special mummy to make her such beautiful gifts of love and I am sure she will just appreciate that they have been made with powerful love. I too wish you could bestow such gifts of bravery and the like on her. Having you there to guide her will no doubt bring these about xox You should be very proud of your gorgeous first crochet granny pillow, its just beautiful! xox Penelope

  10. absolutley gorgeous crochet - love the colours
    BH x

  11. Beautiful, these items will be cherished by you both for many years to come.


  12. That's so beautiful how lucky you both are to have each other. What a lovely idea of yours to give her a something you have made each year.
    Sarah x

  13. I think you have done a beautiful job with both cushions and the book cover your daughter made is gorgeous x

  14. What a beautiful gift and how impressive for such a beginner!!! X

  15. You and your daughter are both gifts to our world. My d sufferered from anxiety and a quote she had made and put on her bedroom wall helps her everyday,
    Your d has courage, and so do you. .....and my d has a similar pillow I made for my first now waits ever so patiently for the blanket, which will take a little longer!

  16. I hope your daughter reads your post too ... such lovely, tender thoughts from mother to daughter. I think these challenges make us better people, with better tolerance and acceptance and love for others. It's so nice to make something for someone you love, especially when it takes some time to make it ... it really slows us down and makes us think and wonder at the person we're making it for. The cushions are all so pretty, but I wouldn't be surprised if the granny square cushion becomes a special favourite for your daughter :) Wendy

  17. I'm so touched by your post. You have a heart of gold. I don't think I have ever seen such a beautiful crochet cushion before, never viewed an item that has been made with so much love. Enjoy the birthday celebrations xx

  18. Tender words from a loving mum . Your daughter will cherish you as you cherish her xx Beautiful crochet work too xx

  19. im a mum walking a similar path to you...what you wish for your gorgeous girl is the same as I wish for my gorgeous boy. After a rough couple of days I really needed to read these words...thanks for sharing. Allison x

  20. She will love it, birthday wishes to her and a big yeah, for you!
    ...your making memories x

  21. You are a good writer:)
    I think she'll just love the cushion:)
    And what a lovely gift she gave to you:)

  22. Beautiful post, you and your daughter are very lucky to have one another, and I hope she has a wonderful birthday - I know she'll love and cherish her beautiful cushion :) xx

  23. Hey Ada, your cushion has turned out beautifully, I'm sure it will be cherished for many years to come.........

    The things we would love to give our children can be numerous, but love is on the top of the list and you certainly give that in bucket loads........
    A touching post, the book cover she made you is beautiful too.......wishing her a wonderful birthday.

    Claire :}

  24. It sounds like she already has the perfect gift and that is YOU! Keep being the lovely mum that you are. Your handmade gifts are gorgeous.

  25. What a beautiful relationship you and your daughter share x

  26. I think autism is often hardest on the parents and other siblings....I have worked closely with both.
    so I wish you love and send supporting wishes your way ...
    enjoy the birthday...
    d x

  27. What lovely cushions you have made there, Ada! You have inspired me to do that after the last blanket is done on the radiotherapy rug!
    The little patchwork one is very pretty too.
    Your daughter sounds like she landed in just the right family. Love her book cover!

  28. thanks for ur thoughtful post.u really expressed so lovingly my own hopes and gifts i hope to pass on to my nearly 7 year old son who has recently been diagnosed with aspergers.


  29. What a lovely post. You are a lovely mummy. X

  30. ~ YOUR, lovely daughter already has a wonderful gift, Ada, by having such a lovely, Mum like YOU...Life throws us many, many challenges and it is how we deal with these that is so important...I am sending you love and supporting wishes too, my friend. I love the gifts you have made for each other..YOU can see so very clearly they are made from the heart and most importantly made with LOVE.....With Kind thoughts always...Maria x

  31. lovely Ada. It just goes to show what can be achieved, when your determined, thinking back to those first pieces of wool! The cushions are gorgeous. I really like the book your daughter made you, it's a lovely design. I would be proud to use that for my musings! Heather x

  32. Hi I'm new to your blog; having just discovered it through taking up crochet. I'm also a mum to two autistic children and your post resonates with me a lot. Very beautifully written. Deb

  33. Ada, this is such a beautiful post. Written with such love.
    The cushion has turned out perfectly and will be much adored I'm sure.
    Rosie xx

  34. Oh Ada, this moved me a lot. I remember you speaking about your daughter's autism before. Your love for her just shines through and she sounds like quite a girl. The cushion is beautiful and who cares if it's perfect or not, it was handmade with love and us crafty types know that counts for SO much more.

    Gillian x

  35. A mother's loving tribute to a rare and special daughter, written by the very best mother that daughter could have. These are beautiful words A.

    And you can crochet a fab cushion too!

    Thank you so much for your get well wishes :)

  36. I was deeply touched by your sweet and loving tribute to a special daughter. My youngest daughter, at the age of 42, passed away last year, and so it especially touching to me to hear of a Mother's love for her daughter. When I see a Mum who says cross words to her daughter, I just cannot believe it ... we need to treasure each and every moment. And you are doing that beautifully.

  37. Ada, the cushions you made are so beautiful!! A sweet and loving post!! xo Heather

  38. What a beautiful post Ada, and the gift you've made is gorgeous, as is the one she made for you, so special.

  39. Sweet wishes and lovely gifts, from both of you!!!
    xxx Ale

  40. Well done, Ada! And so quickly, you really are a fast worker ;-) I am sure your sweet daughter totally loved your gift.

    I can tell your patchwork is coming along nicely too. Sometimes it takes a bit of time and effort to get the wanted result, but you sure are on your way to get there.

  41. It looks lovely. So pretty and spring like!

  42. Thank you all so, so much for your kind words. They mean so much to me! :) x

  43. What a lucky Bea she is having a loving, supportive mum who is doing everything she can to understand her.
    Hope she loved the cushion!

  44. Oh dear Ada
    I cannot see too clearly to type - eyes a little blurry for some reason - the simplest kindest things are truly the best

  45. Bless your heart coming from a parent with a child with an illness i can so relate to how you feel. Sending you the biggest hug i can. Lots of love, dee xx

  46. Ada, I love the book your daughter made for you and I love that you love it all the more because of the obstacles she will have had to over come to make it for you.

    I just wanted to let you know am passing on the Leibster Award to you - I am sure you've probably had it before so if you have I do apologize. I just couldn't resist passing it on to you as I think everyone should know of your blog!
    Jo x

  47. Ada, taken me a while to get over here what with cyclones and power failures. This post made me cry, and you would know why. We just have such simple wishes for our kids don't we. mel x

  48. Such a heartfelt post, filled with love for your special girl. I hope she had a lovely day. M x

  49. Beautiful post Ada. Hope your lovely girl had the loveliest of Birthdays. I love the book cover she has made for you. Fiona x


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