Friday, 4 January 2013

Where For Art Thou Mr Sunshine?



In the absence of all things yellow, round and sky hanging, I shall be creating my own little bit of sunshine today! (please, I've not gone delusional, I know I'm not God!).

Please indulge me as I explore the colour yellow......


But don't worry......
All is Fine and Dandy! Spring is just around the corner!

My Hellebores are starting to emerge....
The odd little flower......
Green sprouts, up from the decay.....
Things to eat.......
Have a lovely weekend......hope the sun shines!
Ada :) x x x
Result! As I pressed the publish button Mr Sunshine came out, he must have heard me! :)














  1. Great post Ada - love the colour yellow - makes you feel happy I think. Have a lovely weekend! xo

  2. Seriously?! You have plants sprouting AND flowers?! Our winter is really only just begun and we've snow and ice all round ... won't be seeing anything green till April, so your post does bring a bit of springtime into my home at least :) Thanks Ada ... have a great weekend! Wendy

    1. Yes, even my butterfly bush has new growth on it, the thing is it dies back when we have a frost! :) x

  3. Hi Ada, The sun has been out here in all it's glory and it's been revoltingly hot - over 40 degrees! It'd be great to be able to bottle it for a more glum day and post little parcels of it around the globe!
    I love your selection of vintage yellow goodness
    Jo x

  4. Wow are you sure you don't have secret divine powers?! Loving all your sunny yellows...have a great weekend. xx

    1. My girls think so...I always know what they have been up too! Mr Bea too, this still baffles him after 28 years! :) x

  5. no sign of the old devil here but we just dandy all the same. I love yellow and orange with grey, I even wear yellow clothes and I used to hate it so.

  6. sunshine not reached here yet, but I'm sitting in my kitchen which is bright yellow so I'll never notice!

  7. Thanks for popping a bit of sunshine into my grey office day! Happy Weekend! M x

  8. The sun has just popped its head out here also. Must have been all that yellow loveliness.

  9. Thank you for bringing the sun out in Sheffield! A few green shoots are starting to appear here. I'm a new convert to the colour yellow, it was never really a favourite of mine but my interest in vintage means I see lots of it and I'm warming to it - probably because it warms me! x

  10. No sunshine here in Scotland either ~ but you have certainly brightened up my day with your lovely sunshine coloured post :O)xx

  11. I think you encouraged him to come out with this happy little yourself are a little ray of sunshine!! Heidi

    1. Thank you! Eldest Bea doesn't think so today, I've made her complete her homework and unfortunately I needed to be a very dark cloud to get the message across! :) x

  12. What a lovely colourful post and it is so good to see signs of Spring appearing. Have a great weekend and hope the sunshine continues to shine on you.
    Sarah x

  13. So happy Mr. Sunshine came has been very lovely here the last few days.
    Your yellows make me smile...a colour I have always moms favourite! I must go look for signs of that will make me happy! Hugs for a great sunny day. xo

  14. Dear Ada
    Thank you very much for your comment. And a lots of thanks for this wunderfull yellow post. Now I feel much happiert than before:))
    I wish you also a great and wunderfull 2013.
    Moni x

  15. So glad you conjured up some lovely sunshine ... it's grey here but I keep hoping he will pop out soon ... thanks for the lovely yellows ... Bee xx

  16. Thank you for giving me some sunshine:))
    It is grey and wet with me:( At work the sun is actually gone from November to mid February, because of the high mountains...
    Have a lovely Weekend!

    1. I would find that so hard! Glad to have helped! :) x

  17. Thank you for this lovely, cheerful, happy, sunny post! I hope you have a great weekend.

  18. Sunny here today, too. It made a vast difference to everything. I was raking in the garden, and noticed some green sprouts in the borders, too. Hope it lasts for the weekend.

  19. This post was a perfect match to the weather here today in sunny Sheffield and it cheered me up no end. I noticed my hellebores poking through while I was hanging out my washing.
    Happy sunshiney weekend

    : ) x

    1. I love hellebores, the one I photographed is fantastic, give it a few more weeks! :) x

  20. Sunshine forecast in Manchester tomorrow ...yippee! Love that cute little horse by the way xx

  21. Then please keep publishing more yellow stuff Ada!

  22. He showed his face here today too, the elusive Mr Sunshine!

    Loving all the yellow ... one forgets what a yellow favouring time the 70s was! And all that new growth ... it's the same here, I just keep hoping we won't suddenly get a very cold snap that sets everything back.

  23. Hey Ada, a beautiful, bright, glowing, golden post, so glad the sun showed it's face for you.

    In my neck of the woods Mr. Sun needs his sunhat, we're heading towards 42deg........
    Wish, I could share some of it's warmth with you.....but hope you have a great weekend, whether he shows up or not.

    Claire x

  24. had forgotten there was a Mr Sunshine till you mentioned him!! Like you I have bulbs popping up and things happening in the garden that are far too early fingers crossed we do not get too cold a spell and damage the fragile new growth

  25. Ada, I love yellow! Yellow is the color of my daughters wedding in the Spring! You have flowers blooming? wow! Have a wonderful Sun-shine day!

  26. Oooh Ada, loving all that yellow and mustard! I have some pretty yellow vintage sheets that I HAVE to use in Jan/Feb to cheer us up! You know what they say ...great minds think alike :o) Unfortunately there ain't no sunshine here on the SE coast today but these pictures sure have made me fell sunny and happy, thanks for sharing xox Penelope

    1. Now that sounds like a plan! Looking forward to seeing what you make! :) x

  27. thank for getting mr sunshine to come out. i had a lovely walk and enjoyed it so!

  28. Lots of nice sunny colours there. Wish the sun would show itself a bit more, the garden is so grey and muddy. :( xx

  29. Thanks for this lovely, sunny post, Ada. I have come to adore the colour yellow, it just lifts my spirits like nothing else.

    Gillian x

  30. Thank you, needed that, because I live north of the polar circle, the sun is gone for 2 months, but will be back Jan 21th ;o)

    1. Roll on January 21st, I don't know how you cope! :) x

  31. Fingers crossed for Mr. Sunshine we need you!!!

    Little Bun x

  32. Belated Happy New Year Ada
    I too have noticed the daffs pushing through already and a little bit of rhubarb. You are right - a splash of yellow cheers the soul
    Every happiness for 2013 and so glad that I have met up with you Best wishes

  33. Lovely sunny post, Ada! Just what we needed. And it must have worked too as Mr Sunshine came out today here :)
    Have a happy week!
    Helen x

  34. I think we all needed that injection of colour and indeed sunshine in our day, Ada...
    Wishing you a week of more of the same.
    Love Maria x

  35. Thanks for this. It is grey, grey, grey here in Bucks today so your yellow post has really cheered me up. Especially liked seeing the green shoots emerging. Can't wait to get out into my garden. Didn't do any last year due to being pregnant so just had to give instructions to hubbie(frustrating!)so I'm longing to get digging and planting. Bring on the Spring! Fiona x

  36. I needed some yellow in my day's so overcast here. I am looking forward to Spring arriving, my bulbs are just starting to peak out now..I can't wait!
    Have a lovely day today
    Magie x

  37. Happy New Year Ada!! What pretty yellows, and they all brightened my morning!! Wishing you a creative week!! xo Heather

  38. So lovely and vibrant. I noticed the first primrose in the garden today.

    Nina x

  39. Thank you everyone for your comments.....roll on Spring, for all of us north of the equator that is! :) x


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