Sunday, 19 August 2012

Do we really need MORE cushions?

I've just got back from a lovely weekend with a dear Aunt and Uncle, she's 91 and her Toy Boy husband is 87! My Aunt is very proud of her age and I know she won't mind me telling you! They are still only dependent on each other, and are quick to dismiss any offers of help! We spent lots of time looking through old photo albums and she had countless stories from when I was little, much to my girls delight!

Before we went I spent some time making yet more cushions for our conservatory! Do we really need more cushions I was asked! But of course we do! Really, my family just don't appreciate the delights of vintage sheets!

This little beauty decided to bloom in my garden this week, I put over 20 sunflowers in a few weeks ago. I had nurtured them carefully, watching them grow, new leaves appearing almost daily! I had visions of sunflowers peppered amongst the flower beds! It was to be my Van Gogh moment! I put them in, supporting each of them with a strong cane, tied them on, making sure I didn't crush their stems then gave each one a delicious drink of water.
The next morning I woke to find all but 3 had been stripped bare by the slugs and snails that are enjoying living at the 5 star hotel I have created for them!
Oh well! At least I have a few in my garden, not quite what I envisaged but life can be like that!
I only have 2 weeks left now to make things for my first craft fare! Help! When I agreed to do it I thought I had lots of time, but it's creeped up on me! So I will be busy, busy, stitch, stitch!
I've been making some vintage wallpaper craft packs up, and will also make some vintage sheet fat quarter packs up too. It's only going to be a small affair, to raise money for charity. Any suggestions about what would be good to make, would be gratefully appreciated!
I will be back later in the week to let you know how I'm getting on!
Welcome to my new followers, I will try and catch up with you soon!
Don't forget to enter my giveaway and you will be in with a chance of getting your hands on these.........

Have a lovely week everyone!

Ada :) x


  1. ah sounds like a lovely weekend :)
    loving those cushions x x x x

  2. One can never have too many cushions!

  3. Of course you can't have too many cushions, what a thing to suggest :) Your sunflower is beautiful. x

  4. Love the cushions and the vintage sheets used to make them! I don't come across sheet colors like those to often! They are so pretty!

  5. Rest assured you are not alone with the cushion thing. My family says the same words, but my cushions are not as pretty as yours. You will often find me lost in the soft furnishing section of Ikea...just looking.....secretly wishing to take home....being marched out by children who are getting restless. Sigh they are just so pretty and cheaper than a new sofa.

  6. Hey Ada, one can never have too many cushions, or cushion covers........I'm sure they look wonderful in your conservatory.
    Shame about the loss of the Sunflowers, I can imagine how disappointed you were. I love those gorgeous, cheery flowers and look forward to growing some each Summer and when they self seed the next season it's always interesting to see which varieties have survived.

    All the best with your craft fair, I know how you feel with the pressure we put on ourselves.
    My tip is to have small priced makes as well as higher priced items. I love brooches and they can be fun and quick to make along with hearts, lavender filled or just poly stuffing......Easy makes that look good and using eyecatching fabrics. Hope it all goes well, I'm sure you will have ball....

    Claire :}

  7. Hi Ada-
    Sounds like you had a nice visit with your Aunt and Uncle! I'm sorry to hear that your Sunflowers weren't quite what you had intended. Bet those were some happy little slugs though! Haa!
    Good Luck with your sale. I'm sure you'll do great!
    Erica :)

  8. HI Ada, lovely cushions and sunflower! I was thinking maybe some mini-bunting for the craft fair? good luck with the making! Heatherx

  9. You always need more cushions!! You only stop when you can no longer sit on the sofa. Ditto the mini bunting idea, how about some lavender cushions they are quick and easy.

  10. You can never have too many cushions, fact. Although my husband would beg to differ! For the craft fair, make sure you have some under £10 stuff- bunting, mini-bunting, book marks, lavender bags etc. Great idea to sell fat quarters as you have such a fantastic range of fabric.

    How lovely to read about your aunt and uncle - 91 and 87 and still living together looking after each other, so very sweet. x

  11. Ah cushions, you can never have too many I'd say.

  12. Loving your cushions...I want to make some more for us too - of course we need them! :)

    How about making some tissue cosies for your fair - they are super simple to make.

  13. Hellooo,
    I am thinking we all agree, the more cushions the merrier....
    Hope al goes well, for you with your crafting Ada and also at the fair....
    The good thing about doing these, is you meet the nicest of like minded folk!
    Wishing sunshine on your week!
    LoVe Maria x

  14. How lovely that your Aunt has a toyboy, someone to grow old with eh, love the cushions, Lucey x

  15. Love those cushions! I don't think you can ever have too many cushions :)
    Victoria xx

  16. I have a toyboy too....they are the best!
    Loving the cushions, might try my hand at a patchwork one.
    Please pop me in your giveaway if you would be so kind. I could do a lot with that little stash :)
    Emma xxx

  17. My house is afflicted with cushions too, but it's all down to my Mum's tapestry addiction!

  18. Good luck with your fair adventure!!!
    xxxx Alessandra

  19. You could always sell your cushions ... then you'd have the fun of making more!!

  20. Too many cushions ... never! Glad you had a lovely weekend with your aunt and uncle ... I think it's all about being young at heart ... wishing you all the luck in the world at your craft fair ... you makes are gorgeous and you will have no bother selling them :) ... look forward to seeing how you get on!

    You could try some little things ... maybe pincushions or needlecases for other crafty souls ... Bee xxx

  21. Those cushions are beautiful.
    I hate slugs. I am runner beanless because of them. :0(

  22. I hate those pesky slugs! They devoured my lovely lupins.So sorry about your beautiful sunflowers.You aunt and uncle sound like they are young at heart,and lovely company too. :0)

  23. The cushions are gorgeous Ada...I love them but my dogs would just lounge all over them and I would be constantly washing them! Good luck with your first fayre, so looking forward to seeing your wares....where is it at? Heather x

  24. Hello Ada
    Thanks for your comment on my blog, nice to meet you. I couldn't agree more with always needing more and more cushions...what is it with our families who don't understand? :o)
    I made a skirt out of a vintage sheet a while back now, orange paisley's and I love it very muchly. especially as it just keeps getting softer and softer! Oooh I must hunt out your giveaway details, gorgeous stash indeed xox Penelope

  25. Absolutely - and in that fabulous fabric....of course.

    Nina x

  26. Hi Ada, thanks for your comment on my blog. I normally email to say thanks but can't find a way of sending to you or is that on purpose? Tales from cuckoo land wrote on interesting post on ' no reply bloggers' it may be of interest to you because if you comment then people can thank you back. If not then sorry to bother you, or if i have missed it somewhere? Sarah x

  27. Thats a good idea Ada, I didn't want you to think I was being rude not replying. Sarah x

    1. Of course not Sarah, don't worry! I've got lots yet to learn about all this blogging stuff! Just wish I had a technical mind! Ada :)

  28. Hi Ada, The scrapbooker in me wants to encourage you to get your aunty's stories down, on paper or tape record an interview, before the stories are lost. This seems to be an exceptionally good year for slugs here also. Right now they are having a large meeting in the rhubarb discussing how to take over the world. For quick crafts, by first response was "Cards!" but then I caught myself, remembering that you have not yet ventured into that craft. If I needed were to sew up something quickly, I would try hotpads. They would be an excellent way to piece a few vintage bits together or just a single vintage sample. In fact, I have some bark cloth that I think I will just go and do that now....

    1. That's a good idea, I hadn't thought to write them down! My Aunt is my last link now to the stories about my Mum when she was younger and my Grandparents. She told me the story how my Grandad in the first world war helped a wounded soldier in the trenches. He had been badly injured and Grandad spoke to him, reassuring him all through the night, they were under heavy fire, it must have been terrifying! Ada :)

  29. Such pretty cushions!! You can never have too many! ;) xo Heather

  30. Hi Ada, I'm back. Thanks again for the Liebster Award. I have accepted and forwarded it here:

  31. Thanks everyone for stopping by, looks like we all have the same cushion addiction! And some of also share the same slug affliction! I woke up this morning to find they had eaten the petals of one of my 3 sunflowers! How dare they! Ada :)

  32. Good luck with your makes for the craft fair. Is it in the Nottingham area?

  33. Great cushions! They look very comfy :) Durn those is so frustrating to find your plants eaten! It has been so hot here this summer I don't think even the bugs are coming out to eat. Best of luck with your craft fair! That is exciting!

  34. A good we really need more cushions?....and one which I always seem to answer with a yes! I love your new ones, Ada! Sorry about the slugs eating so many of your sunflowers....seeing all the snails and slugs in our garden at nights it's a wonder we have any plants left at all!
    Good luck with your craft fair!
    Helen x

  35. You can never have enough cushions that i what i say,, and they look amazing.


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