Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Sneaky Peek!

I've been busy, busy......stitch, stitch!

Want a peek?


What, MORE cushions? Yes, but the pincushion kind!


I almost managed to square up my corners!



I got the enamel tub from TK Max a couple of months ago, I've got a lemon and pale green one too. Perfect for displaying Vintage Sheet Goodies!


I've also made some Suffolk Puff Brooches, using some of Mums' old buttons.


Triangles have been cut for bunting, fat quarters waiting to be pressed, and the wallpaper packs just need to be assembled.

Thank you all for all your suggestions. I fear I may have led some of you astray! The Craft Fair is only a very small affair! Just a group of friends and anyone they can drag along to the event really! Nothing Grand!

My friend did a small one in her home before Christmas last year, to raise money for charity, it was lovely, she really knows how to put on a good do! This time we will be using her Mothers lovely garden, there will only be about 8 stalls and we think about 200 people.

It's important to me because it's my first one! I've never, ever sold anything I've made before, always given them away! Not sure if anyone will want anything (although my sister will buy something, I'm sure!). If it goes well I might even ask for a stall at the schools Christmas Fair!

I know a lot of you have done lots of fairs, have Etsy shops, even featured in magazines, this is your 'bread and butter', so please ignore my anxieties!

I will be back later in the week, with I hope, pictures of bunting- what is it about bunting that immediately makes me smile!

Thanks again for your encouragement, you really are a fantastic lot!


Ada :) x




  1. How exciting, I love the Suffolk Puff brooches. Hope you sell lots of goodies and have lots of fun. x

  2. Your makes are really lovely ... don't underestimate yourself ... I think all us newbies feel a little paranoid about the things we make ... I think we need to chill out and enjoy the process ... Bee xx

    1. You are so right, enjoy! I am soooo enjoying myself at the moment! A thanks! Ada :)

  3. oh well done Ada, it's all lovely. I especially like the pin cushions. The garden fair sounds like a great idea, enjoy it. I'm sure the stall will look lovely, well done for jumping in and going for it! Heather x

  4. Keep on sewing. I know that feeling! It all looks lovely and I'm sure will fly off your stall - or even better be paid for!

  5. Well done everything looks lovely, my favourite are the pin cushions. Bunting always makes me smile too. I hope you sell lots to make some money for the charity. Sarah x

  6. You've been busy for sure...looks lovely!
    Those pin cushions look nice! i made almost the same a while ago...
    they're in my Etsy-shop...isn't just fun to make those?
    I love the enamel tub!


    1. Your pin cushions are much nicer! But I might try and put buttons on some! Thanks Ada :)

  7. Loving your suffolk puff brooches Ada! So so pretty and a lovely way to use old buttons! Looking forward to seeing some of your bunting too.
    Victoria xx

  8. It's all looking lovely and you have been working hard, have fun !!
    x x x x x x

  9. All of it is wonderful and I especially lovely the pin cushions - the colours you've used are so pretty. Bet they sell like hot cakes!

  10. Ada, these are brilliant! Pin cushions and brooches will definitely sell well, and the finish on them is excellent. x

  11. No worries Ada : your little stand will be great and successful!!!
    xxxx Alessandra

  12. Hi, I've only just come across your blog I love it :) I soo love your pincushions! I've been meaning to make a new pincushion for ages. I wish I lived in your area I would stop by yours stall and buy one of yours!

    Good luck with your craft fair :)

    Naomi xxx

  13. Looks lovely,it will be a great stand! Lovely colours.
    Groetjes, Gerda

  14. Enjoy the whole thing, it will be a womdful experience to be amongst other crafters. The pin cushions are sweeeeeeet. And who doesn't love a Suffolk puff?:-)

  15. It will be brilliant! Your things are so pretty and beautifully made with love and care. Be very proud :)
    Nick x

  16. Bunting makes me smile too. Everything you've made is beautiful. Good luck with the Fair!

  17. Am following from the next generation of the Liebster Award! Muddle Puddle awarded me & I am thoroughly charmed by your blog. My closest relative is a lifelong Anglophile & has treated us to trips across a number of times - your photos have made me long to return :~)

    1. Thanks for visiting! Sassy is great isn't she! I will pop over to you soon! Ada :)

  18. Ada, everything is absolutely beautiful and just perfect!! You will have such fun at the fair!! I am doing my first boutique (like a fair) at the end of September, so I am right there with you!! Happy sewing sweet friend! xo Heather

    1. Yours will be fantastic, I've seen your products don't forget! I've still a lot to learn but thank you so much Heather! Ada :)

  19. Hi Ada, The enameled pails are an excellent prop for presenting your wares. I bet the silver buttoned poofs will be the first thing to go. Hope the whole event is a raging success for all.

  20. Wow lovely yummy goodies, I'm sure they will sell well, I love doing fairs, it's great to chat and it's lovely when someone compliments your work and even better when they buy. I'm sure this will be the first of many ... Good Luck x

    1. Hi, I've seen you Facebook page but I'm not on so can't leave any comments, will need to learn what to do! Ada :)

  21. People will be flocking to buy your lovely goodies I'm sure.
    Hope you have a lovely time..it sounds so much fun! :0)

  22. It is anxious making but fun too. My experience of the wee market is that I sell many more of the lowest priced items compared to the more expensive things because people are trying to spread their money around and buy something from a few people. Hope it goes well.

    Eleanor x

  23. PS find a way to add height to your stall. I use a child's chair on the table to put small cushions on and lean large ones against. a small bookcase could work well too, or even an upturned box with a cloth over it. x

    1. Thanks that's good advice, I have a friend who sells veg so will ask her for some wooden trays and paint them, unless of course I come across a child's chair! Ada :)

  24. The pin cushions are gorgeous. I'm trying to work through a very large vintage sheet stash here. Small steps... ;)

  25. Very pretty pincushions, and I love the Suffolk puffs. Good luck with your craft fair. xx

  26. Love the pincushions and brooches. I'm sure your stall will be great. xx

  27. Hi Ada,

    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. Your pincushions look lovely. I wish I had the time to make such beautiful things as you do.

    Good luck at the craft fair!

    Madelief x

  28. I just adore those brooches!!!!! gorgeous!

    thanks for your comment.

    lov xxx

  29. Hello Ada,
    Thank you for sweet comments over on mine, you and your pin cushions are very loVely!!
    It is really special to create some thing so individual and you can always tell,that it has been 'Made with love'.....
    Wishing you a week full of inspiration...
    loVe Maria x

  30. My you have been busy! I love the pincushions.

  31. What a great idea to use up little bits of off cuts and scraps. I think they will go down a storm.

    Nina x

    1. Yes, but I still have a big pile of even the tiniest bits that I can't bare to throw away! What do you do with those?! Ada :)

  32. Hi there, love your blog. I am fairly addicted to vintage sheets too! Love the little pin cushions, they are so cute and I also love your enamel tub too. xx

  33. Oh what pretty makings! I love those pin cushions! All the best at your craft fair, it sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy!

  34. How exciting...I'm sure everything will turn out great! Love all the little goodies you have been busy making! Wishing you the best!

  35. Hi, I have found you via Lucy at Attic 24 - lovely blog, I will be following you and look forward to keeping up with your posts and who knows maybe along the way I will learn to sew decently! Yvonne xx

  36. It all looks fabulous :D I'm sure you'll be a great success. Have fun!

  37. You have been a busy bee! I just love the pincushions and the brooches..they are just pure loveliness! I look forward to seeing your bunting as well :)
    I am sure they will be a big hit at the craft fair..I know I would purchase them :)
    Magie x

  38. Lovely makes Ada,I'm sure you will do really well,Xxx


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