Friday, 24 August 2012

Happy Holiday Weekend!

Hello Everyone!

Wishing all of you a Happy Weekend, and those in the UK hope you enjoy the Bank Holiday!

I have a Sister Day booked in for tomorrow, the day with my two lovely sisters, something nice to eat, bit of shopping and no children! (love them really!).




The house has been festooned with bunting! I am dreaming triangles at the moment!


I'm even contemplating, Bunting for Fairies! What do you think? Can't bare to throw any bits away! Seriously though, this did go in the bin, but I have a bag full of scrappy bits! What do you do with them?

I'm now tackling this beauty! A patchwork of vintage wallpaper is starting to grow all over her, in, I will add, a rather slapstick way! Hopefully she will be finished next week and not look too disheveled!


Hello to my new followers, I am working my way around to your blogs, slowly, if I miss anyone out, please let me know!

Have a great weekend, whatever you are planning!

Ada :) x


  1. You have been busy! You have a great selection of fabrics they look really good together sarah x

  2. The bunting all looks lovely and looking forward to seeing the transformed case. Have a great time with your Sisters. I could do with something similar. Feeling in need of some Mummy time. Fiona

  3. Ooooo - suitcase looks very promising indeedy - well done Ada and really looking forward to the finished item in all its tra la'ness! Lovely bunting and jolly colours too - please do make extra mini bunting I have used tiny bunting for cards and for brooches and for hair adornment for the children!!!

    1. I'm going to have a go at making some cards, mini bunting cards, great idea, thanks! Ada :)

  4. Ooooh Ada ... your bunting is lush ... very pretty colours ... I understand your pain with the scraps ... I can't part with them either but have no idea what to do with them ... maybe some tiny applique ... have a great day tomorrow with your sisters ... hope you find some treasures ... Bee x

  5. Ada, your bunting is GORGEOUS! The colours work so well together, and all the vintage patterns compliment each other. I save the scraps for little bits of crafting. You could make mini-bunting to hand from shelves or lampshades? Very intrigued to see what you do with that lovely old suitcase. Have a great weekend. x

  6. The bunting is lovely but I just can't wait to see the suitcase transformation. I held off bidding on some at auction this week. I really wanted one to have a go at covering but when I realised I'd be bidding for nine I had visions of the other eight just cluttering the already cluttered house!
    Have a lovely bank holiday

    1. I have 3 now! You know what they say about buses! It's taking some time to finish, every time I start someone needs me! Planning to try and finish the outside tonight, fingers crossed! Ada :)

  7. Enjoy your sisters time!!!
    Love your fresh buntings!!!
    Happy weekend, xxx Alessandra

  8. Have a lovely day with your Sis, and happy weekend too...p.s loving that bunting :-) x

  9. Enjpy the precious sister day Xxx your style is so beautiful. Xxx

  10. Lovely colours and very tidy bunting! Maartje over at silly old suitcase has done a couple of lovely posts about what to do with scraps - one was a wreath and another embelleshed flipflops both very pretty. Have a lovely day out.

    Eleanor x

    1. Good ideas, I've seen the wreaths, they are very effective! Ada :)

  11. Have a great time with your sisters and a lovely relaxing long weekend. :0)

  12. Love that bunting Ada! Have a lovely time with your sisters.
    Victoria xx

  13. Hurray! love the bunting, looking good. That suitcase looks like it's got potential. Fairy bunting sounds good too! Heather x

  14. Haha, I thought I was bad with the scrap hoarding! No scraps too small! ;-)

  15. Oh your bunting is gorgeous. I love mini bunting too. Have a great day and cannot wait to see that case finished. melx

  16. I love the thought of fairy bunting! Your bigger version is gorgeous though.

  17. Love your photos in this post. I would try stiffening up the little bits, (with spray starch, sugar water or cover with modge podge?) pin them up to dry. Then sew them together with floss or some sort of twine. And hang them on a twig tree, and put in place of honour in my dining room.

    Or make them short, (5 to 7 pennants) mount on cardstock and put in the craft sale. I would buy them for my scrapping and card making.

    Have a great sister day. Looking forward to your photos about it.

  18. BTW, did you finish the sewing box cover? Can we see pictures?

    1. It's still on the to do list! Hoping to do it early in September when the girls are back at school! Ada :)

  19. Hi Ada, thanks for your lovely messages yesterday. Hope you had a great day with your sisters. I too find it hard to throw away scraps, I never know what to do with them either! Have you seen Lu Summers' tiny patchwork projects? They're amazing, I think she uses 1'' squares - if you haven't seen them do go and look at her blog, she does AMAZING work. Can't wait to see how that suitcase turns out! Have a great weekend lovely lady. Rachel xx

    1. Good idea Rachel, I will have a gander! Glad you are feeling brighter! Ada :)

  20. I'm green with envy, that's just the bench I'd love, haha, and it looks great with those cushions lounging on it. I use those tiny scraps for filling little suffolk puffs, Lucey x

  21. PS Forgot to say hope you had a great day out with your sisters, xx

  22. Hi Ada,
    Wishing you and your sisters a 'Fun' Bank holiday!!
    LOve the bunting......
    Will be keeping a eye on the 'pretty in up ' of the vintage suitcase!
    Thanks for kind words over on mine too!!
    loVe Maria x

  23. Thanks for all your ideas ladies! Much appreciated! Ada :)

  24. Hi Ada, thanks for your comments . I love your pictures of Whitby and your makes are gorgeous....good luck with the stall .
    Jacquie x

  25. Your bunting is lovely, Ada! I have not tried making any myself (yet...) but I do love yours in all those pretty vintage fabrics. One day I will have a go at it too (alas, without the vintage fabrics as am not lucky enough to have any...)

    Thank you for your always so lovely comments in my blog. They are much appreciated. As for your query about how to follow my blog... I wish I knew how (my computer skills are nothing to brag about, I am afraid). You are, of course, most welcome to, if you can figure out how ;-)

  26. I love your bunting and cushions - they are so pretty!

    As to the query about following, you can always click the Add blog button just below the Reading List heading on your Dashboard (in the my blogs area, which you get to by clicking the Blogger symbol on the top left of your blog Overview page).

    Pomona x

    1. Thanks Pomona, I did try that before and it didn't recognise the site, maybe I typed it in wrong! I'll have another go! Ada :)

  27. There is never too much bunting! Mini bunting works well on the dollshouse and it is also rumoured to bring good booty to the fairy ring.
    I have a big haul of vintage fabric and sheets gleaned from the op shop recently about to show up on a post in a few days. Maybe it could be buntinged.

  28. I love your bunting and cushions what great uses for your lovely material.
    Sarah x

  29. I can't wait to see her finished.....and your pictures look so inviting and happy.....I love those Ikea trays too! Someday I want to try bunting, someday!

    1. You must have a go, it's soooo easy! That's why I make so much! Ada :)

  30. Ada,I think fairy bunting sounds wonderful,I cant bear to through away the little scraps too,I have little bags of tiny offcuts from the quilts I made My son and daughter,maybe fairy bunting is the way forward for me too,lol,Xxxx


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