Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Colour, on a Yucky Day.....


Well, dispute the yucky weather and poor light, I got out the camera, and took some pictures of fabric bundles for the shop!

The first bundle, is 4 Vintage Sheet Fat Quarters and a Little Tooth Fairy House.

The second bundle, is 3 Vintage Sheet FQ's and a little pin cushion! These are listed now, 5 bundles of each!
I still have more FQ'S to list, I think I got a bit carried away with the cutting, ironing and folding, didn't know when to stop! There is something very relaxing about making them, or am I just a little Bonkers?!
I'm going to list the Printers Trays tomorrow...
I've tried to keep the cost down to the minimum, but unfortunately the trays themselves are expensive!

I've had several enquiries about the little wooden houses, I will make some more next week!!!

I've got 2 more printers trays to do, I've painted them a Farrow and Ball white, the same as the little houses, and intend to pop the pinks and blue shades in them, can't wait!
My Etsy button is just beneath the followers list, if you missed it!
Hope you have all had a good day! Please Mr Sunshine, pop you head out from behind the clouds!
A lot of you commented on Minnie, our cat. she has her own story to tell, I'll pop back later in the week to tell all! She's nudging me now, wants me to put the iPad down so she can sit on my knee! Better go.........
Ada :) x
p.s. I'm really sorry if I haven't visited your blog yet! Next week when the girls are back I'm going to try and visit all those blogs of the new followers! I don't know what loveliness I'm missing out on! Please don't think I'm being rude....just very busy!



  1. Ha!, I'd just spotted your lovely little bundles on Etsy but it's the printers trays I'm looking forward to. Thank you for the pre warning I can now stop my daily check!!!
    Miserable old day down here too. Those colours look so cheery on my screen.

    1. Thanks Ellie, I've had such a lot of interest, I thought it was only fair to give people a bit of warning! Fingers crossed I've got some bigger one coming soon, but these little ones are so sweet. I've been really good and not kept one myself, although I have been really tempted! Ada :)

  2. I'm so glad you're selling your houses and trays - they are sooo lovely and bound to do very well.

    It's been a glum day as well - we actually have the fire on tonight! Blimey if hubby puts it on it must be cold. :)

  3. The trays and houses are fabulous! I bet the trays especially would bring quite a bit on EBAY vs Etsy. Just a thought.
    Great job on these pieces!
    Erica :)

    1. I think that's a good idea Erica, I'm going to put some items on eBay this week, much bigger audience than Etsy! Ada :)

  4. your shop is getting bigger and bigger!!! Brava Ada!!!
    xxx Alessandra

  5. I worked outside today with hubby will be doing this quite a bit this winter but it was only 6 degrees this morning my tootsies were cold thank God the sun was out and by after noon it was up to 36 degrees.....I hope your sun came out for you!
    Your little houses are so cute!
    Have a good evening Ada, Heidi

  6. I ust love the wooden houses! (and the printers trays as well)
    It's been pretty yucky weather wise here as well..it was so overcast yesterday. Hopefully the sun will peak out again soon :)
    Have a lovely day today x

  7. lots of goodies here, love your tooth pouch, here if the dentist takes a tooth out you are no longer allowed it, also your appendix,gall stones which the hospital used to offer you, my granddaughter asked for a screw they removed from her ankle following surgery and the Dr said it had all been stopped since mad cow outbreak whatever next!

  8. Lovely goodies Ada ... they've cheered me up on this dark dismal morning!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday

    Claire xxxx

  9. Ooh I am one of those waiting to hear all about Minnie!
    she does have a likeness to my Pedro. Mine are all waifs and strays that no one wanted, except Smokey Jo, she was my Mums and has settled in just fine!
    Enjoy you PJ day with your girls as I used to love those days..
    Take care of you.
    Love Maria x

  10. Oh we need all the colour we can get on these grey days! And those fabrics certainly deliver in the colour department!
    Victoria xx

  11. Your printers trays are lovely. I keep looking at one particular wallpaper you have used as I'm sure it was once hanging in our kitchen!!

  12. Oh such lovely pretty colours and this gloomy day!! Very cute Ada! Hazel x

  13. Gorgeous bundle of goodies Ada, such a treat to read your colourful posts. mel x

  14. It's always so nice to see someone is working hard at their craft (I have too, but don't have it to show yet...maybe tonight!) Your bundles are so bright and colourful! Yes, let's hear Minnie's story ... animals always weave a fine tale (tail?). Have a great week! Wendy

  15. That is a beautiful burst of colour when it's been so grey recently. We had some blue skies today too - I'm so glad to be honest.

    Nina x

  16. Hi Ada, I think your printers trays are very reasonable considering how much they cost and how much work has gone in to them, good luck, it's all looking good! Heather x

  17. Best of luck, Ada! Everything looks wonderful!

  18. Such prettiness!! Looking forward to seeing your new creations!! Have a great night! xo Heather

  19. Lovely to see your shooting off into the blogging stratosphere, Ada! Love the trays and so love the little house pincushion, you have been busy. No wonder you haven't had time to check out the blogs - it is SO easy to get out of sync...I am only just catching up myself! Lx

  20. I am lusting after those printer's trays - I just can't decide which one I like best! Mrs RV x


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