Thursday, 25 October 2012

The Tale of Two Kitties, One Happy, One Sad........


Several years ago, our family was visited by the most beautiful cat we had ever seen. She was like a chocolate, toffee and vanilla ice cream. Her long hair swirled into the most adorable tufts, we fell instantly in love! Not only did she look gorgeous but she had the most amazing, gentle personality.
It was quite obvious that no one cared for her, her hair was mattered (soon remedied after buying a brush!), she was constantly hungry and CRAVED attention. After some weeks, she put on weight and I noticed a little bump growing in her tummy!
We were caring for a stray, pregnant cat, I'm not sure I wanted kittens! I rang the local animal authorities with my concerns, did I know she was a stray? No! Please find out before you ring us, unless you have evidence she's being neglected! Not very helpful!
Anyway, out came the magnifying glass and off I went to find out. A trail led me to Mr Not-Very- Nice-To-Cats Man, or NVNTCM, it's too long to type! I explained my concerns, he's only little so didn't feel too scared!
He said he though 'it' was pregnant, he'll keep 'it' in! I asked what her name was, Minnie, well at least she had a name! My girls were so upset that she had an owner, please could I go back and ask for her!
I couldn't. Mr NVNTCM, had a 5 year old son, we can't take someone's cat from them, can we? We didn't see Minnie for a week or so, then heard she'd had her kittens. She then turned up at our back door, looking awful, her fur was mattered with afterbirth from the kittens, she was hungry and looked sad. We gave her a cuddle, something to eat, then closed the door.
I explained to the girls not to go to the windows or door, she now had kittens to look after, if we encourage her, she will abandon them. It was horrible listening to her meows but after a while she disappeared. The next day we were told she had died, complications after the birth. There were lots of tears. I still feel guilty that I didn't keep her and fetch the kittens.
Now fast forward two years, and this little minx turned up on our garden! She was a tiny kitten, not very old. We were clearing up some branches and she had great fun diving on them as we dragged them up the garden?
Over the weeks she visited us more and more, and yes, we fell hook line and sinker! Again, it was obvious she was being neglected, I just knew where she was from! I went to see Mr NVNTCM, yes 'it' belonged to them. However, before I'd even asked the question, he asked if I wanted her! She's been with us ever since. What shall we name her? Minnie of course. We love her. Mr NVNTCM, hasn't had a cat since, I keep my eye on him!
Minnie was soooo grateful to us for taking her in, that she gave us a pressie. Well lots actually, they were only small, so didn't take up too much room! Not having looked after a cat before, I hadn't given fleas a second thought! We've told Little Bea that she just had heat lumps!
She's a much loved, well looked after cat, who's regularly given flea treatment, not going back there again! She's never far away, often by my side or on my lap, and she's almost stopped diving on our feet and digging her sharp teeth into our flesh!
Her favourite spot is in the sunny conservatory!
What I love about cats is that you never own them, they own you! At any point, if she's not happy, she could just up and leave, but for now, she chooses to stay! She's got a good life!
Ada :) x


  1. Oh, I've now got a lump in my throat.

    Minnie II is a very lucky cat.


  2. Oh gosh - where to begin. I'm so glad Minnie no2 found you was meant to be, but so sad for the original Minnie - bless her little soul.

    Nina x

  3. Oh Ada, I am soooo not an animal person but that almost makes me want a cat! btw I love love love your stripey rug!


    1. It's from ikea, very faded now, it's in the sun most of the day! Ada :)

  4. So pleased that Minnie no.2 has found a happy home with you. My Sis has just taken in a sweet stray. It's so hard though knowing what to do for the best. My Mum took on some semi wild cats when they lived in their last home. She already had her own and there were 4 of these wild ones. They lived in the Summer house. They lived with Mum and Dad in this way for a few years but when they moved they found good homes for them all. It makes me so mad reading about people like Mr NVNTCM. It's a good job there are caring people like you around to take over when people just don't care about innocent animals. Fiona x

  5. touching stories!!!
    So happy that Minnie came to you!!!
    xxxx Alessandra

  6. such a touching little tale and you have told it so very well. Minnie no 2 has certainly found a home where she is dearly loved.

  7. Hello!!!
    You've been awarded!!!
    Visit my blog to discover It!!
    Congrats, xxx Alessandra

  8. So sweet.......I'm so glad this sweetheart got such a great home.......

  9. Oh what a touching story Ada! Bought a tear to my eye!
    Victoria xx

  10. She is very cute and very lucky to have found you. We had a similar experience with Susie our cat that adopted us except she had kittens one of which we still have. It true they chose us not the other way around. Sarah x

  11. Aw Ada, what a shame for Minnie No 1 ... hope her kittens were ok. So glad you got to keep Minnie No 2, she's lovely! Why, oh why, do people have animals, if they can't be bothered with their upkeep? Hope you're still keeping your eye on him!

    Love Claire xxx

    1. Hi Claire, her kittens went to the cats protection place, just wish they would of picked Minnie up too! Ada :)

  12. Minnie is a very pretty cat and so lucky to have found a lovely home and family to own :) ... glad she doesn't have to live with Mr Not Very Nice any more ... Bee xx

  13. It's good that there are people like you and your girls to watch out for the lost cats! Lucky Minnie II! We have also had some unhappy followed by happy animal tales in our house ... of the dog & horse variety. Owning animals will always tug at your heartstrings. Wendy

    1. Absolutely, but it's a good way of showing children about loving and loss! Ada :)

  14. Ah, Ada, such a sweet post. I can think of worse things to call Mr NVNTCM! Some people...well.

    My friend's cat just had a kitten and we have been admiring it lots. Both kids are desperate for a cat, as am I!, but we need to work on my husband who is not convinced! x

    1. Mr Bea didn't want a cat, but he's really taken to her, I think he's softer with her than I am! Ada :)

  15. What a lovely ending to your sad story, some cats seem to choose their owners rather than the other way around. Our cat kept appearing in our garden and then one day she appeared in the garden with an injury around her eye. We took her to the vets and we went around the neighbourhood knocking on doors and putting up posters. No one claim her and she found a permanent home with us.
    Sarah !

  16. You did the right thing at the time and you weren't to know what was going to happen. I am glad this Minnie found you! X

  17. Hi Ada, This post is sad, but I am pleased that Minnie mark two choose you too!
    she is ever so pretty!
    I love cats and their independence and I couldn't imagine my home with out them!
    Our willow has the result of a horrible, horrible person using his boot to her mouth.She has a deformed jaw that the vet said was the result of this. No way was she going back to her former owner and I told him this on the telephone (shaking).
    We have had her a year now and she fits in well!
    Wishing you agood week, with lots of crafting involved!!
    Love Maria x

  18. Aah, I'm so glad this had a happy ending, and that Mr NVNTCM hasn't had any more cats! Minnie #2 is lovely, and very lucky to have found you. xx

  19. Awwww, I can never understand someone who neglets animals. Hopefully we can put it down to ignorance.
    I am primarily a dog owner, cos I have this needy side...:-) . Animals really are a wonderful companion to a family, teaching and giving so much.. My puppy boys have saved my daughter when she needed something to heal her mind. They are better than a truckload of anti depressants.

  20. Minnie is so lucky to have found such a sweet home with you!! xo Heather

  21. what a sad tale. I can't stand animal cruelty. I'm glad you managed to get your new kitty of him and she has a lovely home now. Heather x

  22. I'm so glad your sad story has a happy ending. Minnie 2 looks like such a sweetie, so good that she found you and has a loving home now. x

  23. This post brought a tear to my eye. Our little cat was unwanted too, bought by a silly girl to match her apartment and them she remembered she didn't like cats, not even pure bred Burmese. Our Bella returns her gratitude with affection and sleeps in my boys bed every night. And you do know that all cats have aspergerrs!, Mel x

    1. Absolutely! Mine does, she fits in very well! Ada :)

  24. Lovely post. And she looks like my cat I had as a girl. She too had a white sripe down her nose. Cuddles was her name and she was very much loved. We don't have a cat at the moment but this has got me thinking........................

  25. I'm glad that Minnie has found a good home with you, and that Mr NVNTCM has got any more cats.

  26. Such a sad story Ada. If only you had known... Minni looks like she is enjoys staying with you!

    Happy weekend!

    Madelief x

  27. Ohhh thanks for sharing this tale, there are some dreadful people out there but thankfully, also some lovely ones like you. Your Minnie is a beauty and you are lucky to all have each other.
    Hen x

  28. I can't imagine Minnie will be leaving anytime soon Ada......she knows where she's loved and cared for.
    We adopted a stray or should that be the other way around. One day I found her curled up in the sun on our front door mat. A ball of smokey grey fluff with the most piercing green eyes. It took months to even get close to her. She lived under furniture in an old shed on the property we were renting. It took a lot of lambs fry and time to be able to even touch her. Then she got pregnant, dad was a non descript tabby around town. She was a wonderful mum and out of five kittens we rehomed 4 and had to give one to a shelter. She fell in love with our ginger Tigger, he's twice her height and she loves him to bits even though he acts like a grumpy old mat at times towards her.
    When we moved into our new home she come with us naturally.........She is the sweetest, natured thing still has some of her old, stray ways but I can get a cuddle in and we wouldn't be without her.
    I think a cat curled up asleep on a chair helps to make a house a home......

    Claire x

  29. Hi Ada, we are down to one cat and one dog, here. Our Tom went missing this summer. The vet suspects he caught a ride in someone's vehicle. I think he was frightend by thunder and ran off. As we live in an area with coyotes and black bear, some foxes too, I fear he met his match in the wild.
    Meanwhile, his sister gets extra special treatment now. We don't want to find ourselves catless.

  30. Really nice story. My second cat is also from a NVMTCM family... I've tried to tell them that I didn't want a second cat, as my own is epileptic and needs quiet and care... But since last summer, they didn't even bother to come and bring him back home. I called them again, telling them the two cats were fighting and I wanted them to take back their cat... But they were so unwilling to, that I decided to keep the cat. He seems so happy here, even with a fight or two each day! He has a name, but the family was unable to tell me his age.. They don't remember when they got it!!!


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