Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Do You Believe in Fairies?

When we moved into our home I knew it would be a special place. What I didn't know was HOW special it would be! You see, we have fairies who live at the bottom of our garden, yes really!

They live in the woodland bit, right at the bottom, under the cherry tree, (actually, I am exaggerating, the woodland bit, is, in fact, just a few trees!).

How do you know this, you ask, we all know just how elusive fairies can be! Well when Eldest Bea was very little, she was playing, in her playhouse, right under the cherry tree, when she ran, full pelt up to me. She was very excited, and slightly out of breath, we do have a huge hill in our garden too, ( actually, it's a steep slope, but a huge hill when your not quite three!).

"Mummy! Mummy! I've seen them, fairies!" she declared. And there you have it, living proof, there ARE fairies at the bottom of the garden!

In case they get too cold, now Autumn is here, I've made them some little houses.....




This week Eldest Bea lost a tooth, that night she asked me for the Tooth Fairy Pillow, (she's nearly twelve), bless her I thought, still clinging onto her innocence, senior school hasn't changed her too much! I smiled as I passed it too her,

"It's so lovely you want this Sweetheart", I said.

"Yes", she replied, "I really need the cash, you get two pounds, you know, for a molar!"

Oh well! I still have Little Bea to play with!

So this week, I've made these little Tooth Fairy Houses, with a little pocket on the back, for a tooth, and of course, the cash!
I'm a bit embarrassed by them, to be honest, I've tried to do a bit of embroidery on them, I've never attempted anything more than blanket stitch before! But, I thought, this blog is all about learning, and sharing my new skills, warts and all! There will be lots of warts!

Little Bea saw them when she got home from school and immediately got out her fairies!


I'm not sure what, or who I believe in, but I have been saying my prayers, for little April Jones, who was sadly snatched away from her parents this week, I know those in the UK will be thinking of her and her family too...please say a prayer for her, I pray she will be found soon, :(

Ada x x x


  1. Hello! I've just discovered your lovely blog… what a touching post. Hope they find little April soon… I'm mummy to 2 year old twins, it's frightening to see things like this happening :'(

    1. Thanks for visiting me Karen, will visit you letter! Ada :)

  2. Oh Ada! I LoVe them and I'm sure the fairies will love them too! Praying for April too, can't even begin to imagine what her family is going through.
    Victoria xx

  3. I have fairies at the bottom of my garden, and I definitely saw them in my Cornish garden, your wee little houses are very sweet, you are very clever
    Thinking of April
    Thea x

  4. Your little houses are sooo sweet and I'm sure the fairies will love them too. The Eldest Bea & her £2 molar gave me a giggle :-)
    Praying for little April to come home safe & sound - and for strength for her family. It's just too awful.

  5. Love them! such a cute idea and I like them all lined up like a little terrace.

  6. What great little houses - I'm sure the fairies will love them! I have had a bit of a rummage in my archived e mails and have managed to find the swap questionaire from a previous swap. I will fill in some details for you and will send it to you sometime soon :0) xx

    1. Good idea jackie, look forward to hearing from you soon! Hope you like vintage sheets! Ada :)

  7. lovely little houses Ada. a lovely idea. I love the round window and the little flower button best! I will google whats happened to this little girl. I seem to be completely unaware of whats happened in the news for ages. Heather x

    1. The flower button was in a pack I brought from an antique shop, there

  8. Oh I know, I can't begin to imagine what her family are going through.
    On a happier note, the houses are really cute and a lovely idea for lost teeth! Xx

  9. These are lovely Ada, very pretty and I love how they're all different, they'd make great presents for Little Bea's friends for birthdays (if she'll let you give an away of course!).

    By the way I don't know if you've chosen a back for your hexie quilt yet, I love the pink sheet you were talking about but I know there was also talk of fleece, I just thought I'd let you know that Ikea does super-cheap fleece blankets, I am using one to back my rainbow patchwork (yes, the one I made MONTHS ago - putting the back on is so boring compared to the fun colourful bit, I've been putting it off!).

    I can't think too much about little April, it's too awful, can't begin to imagine how horrendous it is for her poor family. Hoping that they find her safe and well.
    Rachel xx

  10. Hi Ada,
    Love those little fairy house's actually I love any thing about fairies....
    Olivia used to have the most vivid imagination and still believed in the tooth fairy at secondary school( yep really)
    I loved this post!
    Have a week of fun.
    loVe Maria x

    1. I wanted to add also, Little April is in my thoughts, any body who has children and any one who hasn't would be wishing and praying for her safe return........xxxx

  11. The fairy houses are so sweet. There were definitely fairies at the bottom of my garden when I was small - I used to talk to them quite often.

    Pomona x

  12. They're perfect! Charming was the word that came to my mind, I am charmed by them. And where there is enchantment surely there will always be a fairy or two :D

  13. We definitely had fairies in our garden when I was little ... and now I have my very own little fairy ... your fairy houses are so cute ... loving Eldest Bea's enterprising streak ... if the fairy is willing to pay £2 she is right to sell ... so sad that little April is missing ... hoping against hope for a happy conclusion ... Bee xx

  14. They are too sweet! I believe in fairies!

  15. Love the houses in all their wobbly glory. Don't try for perfection, seriously it is the fact it is made by man or woman and not machine is what gives it the beauty. Art is not about perfect and nature hates straight lines.
    Nature also hates the fact that children go missing.........prayers and hopes from Australia...sincerely.

    1. Dont think I could do perfection, even if I tried really, really hard! Ada :)

  16. Everybody has fairies at the bottom of their garden - it is just knowing where to look! xo

  17. Your little fairies houses are really nice!!! love them all!!
    Even my big boy used to believe in tooth fairies, Santa, Easter Bunny, old Befana till he was more or less 13.....and when he discovered the truth he did cry a lot, with both sad and angry tears...I was so deeply moved and so unhappy for his feelings! After 2 hours of this desperate crying, he came to me and just said :" Maybe this happens because I'm growing up..." and then he smiled...
    xxxx Alessandra

    1. I know, we haven't even discussed the man in the red suit yet! I will ALWAYS believe in the spirit of father Christmas, don't you?! Ada :)

  18. Love your sweet fairy houses!! Too cute! Will be keeping that sweet girl in my prayers! xo Heather

  19. How sweet are these? I am going to whip one up right away for my 6 year old grandson, as soon enough, he will need a tooth fairy pillow.

    1. Yes, he should get a visit anytime soon! Eldest Bea was 8 years old before she lost a tooth, long after her friends! The tooth fairy gave her £5 with a note saying how patient she had been, but that £5 was a special treat and it would only be £1 from now on! Ada :)

  20. Hey Ada, good on you for having a go with the embroidery it looks great, love the little button flowers too.
    The houses are very cute, lucky you having fairies living in your garden. wish I had some to help me with all the weeds that grew while I was away!!

    Keeping April in my prayers......miracles do happen.

    Claire :}

    1. Never thought of that, might set them on to get rid of the weeds! Ada :)

  21. Do I believe in faeries? Yes! Always have and always will! I love your blog dear. I'm a vintage sheet addict too and I envy your collection;) x

    1. Thank you Lucy, it's taken some years to build it up! I'll pop over and see you very soon! Ada :)

  22. I definitely believe in fairies. Life would be a bit sad if you didn't I reckon. Love those little tooth fairy pillows. They're really sweet. Thanks for your comment on my post today. It's interesting to find out what people think. Fiona x

  23. They're so cute ... here at The Faerie Factory we make faerie shrooms for the fae to live in, they're always grateful for somewhere warm to stay and a little milk and honey will tempt them out ... Believe x

  24. I believe, I believe....!

    We call the dancing midges that you can see on a Summers evening fairies...the girls are always so enchanted.

    Nina x

    1. I always call the dust particles that float in the air fairies, well it's an excuse not to dust too much! Ada :)

  25. Those are absolutely lovely little houses, Ada! I am going to have to make me some of those for my grand baby to play with! Did you use a pattern or just create as you went along? Great job! I will also be praying for little April Jones!

    1. They are inspired by the houses in Scandinavian stitches, it's a lovely book! Ada :)

  26. In answer to your question,I do,I do I do. LOVE your vintagey fairy houses,so cute,:) Xxxx

  27. I love your fairy houses Ada, they are so cute x
    I have tagged you in my latest post, no pressure to take part but I thought it might be fun.
    : )

  28. Our Eldest no longer believes, but keeps it quiet for her younger sister who still writes to her fairy Flora. Mind you she did also want the £2 when her tooth fell out, belief can be brought back for cash can't it.

    Bet your littlest loved the houses when she got home.


    1. She knows to keep quiet too! Yes, cash can work wonders where children are concerned! Ada :)

  29. Thanks everyone for you comments and thoughts! I think when I make some more, I will do a bit of stitching around the doors and windows, so they stand out more. I tried to use black thread but it just looked too messy! Need to be a bit less wonky before I do anything with the black! Ada :)

  30. I love your little fairy houses! They are perfect and just the right size for a lost tooth. So precious!

  31. These are so gorgeous and whimsical and cute. I can't see any warts, they look pretty good to me. x

    1. They are there, believe me! My camera can't do close ups! Ada :)

  32. So cute! Have a great weekend.


  33. What a great idea! Have a wonderful weekend!

  34. Such a darling post..and your little house are so sweet! xoxo

  35. The fairy houses are just the sweetest! I love the little button flowers :)
    I hope you are having a fab weekend x

  36. I used to make and sell tooth fairy pillow years ago (I used to design and sew children's clothing too- have I told you that before?). To be honest, your design is absolutely BRILLIANT! How I wish you lived next door - we could craft up a storm!

    Living in England, I absolutely understand the belief in fairies here - we have little crops of tiny mushrooms in our grass - sure to be fairy villages, no?

    April Jones - crazy sad and devastating - I've been sending lots of prayers their way...

  37. Ilove the little houses they are co cute and the vintage fabrics are gorgeous xxx

  38. Hi, I just came over from Claire's. Saw your Name and the picture and it so reminded me of sheets and curtains I had just like that. I could even feel them in my mind. Is that sad or what! I just love your Fairy Houses! I think they are lovely and of course there are fairies!!...AND they'll love the houses! We've been thinking of and praying for April too. Joan

    1. Thanks for visiting me Joan, I love the fabrics and yes I remember them too! Ada :)

  39. I love your fairy houses. When we went to Ireland on holiday the children thought there were leprechaun's at the bottom of the garden. We have those precious happy memories of our children, how difficult it must be for April and her family this week.
    Sarah x

  40. Very sweet tooth fairy houses, delightful! Will you be selling them in your Etsy store?


Hello! Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts and messages with me. I read each and everyone and will try and answer any questions as quickly as I can! :)x