Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Etsy shop....Open for customers!


Just to let you know, I've stocked up my shop with a few vintage goodies! Just wallpaper packs for now, need to check postage before I put on the Printers Trays and Vintage Pyrex!
Please be patient with me, whilst I get to grips with all this new technology! Thanks for all your support and advice, you have been WONDERFUL!

Now, I just need to work out what to do, should someone buy something!!!





Please don't forget my giveaway! Finishes on this Friday!

Whilst we are on the subject of giveaways, Eleanor, over at Stitches and Seeds is having a giveaway too. A rather large, roomy bag (just right for vintage goodies!), and some crocheted assessories! If you can, pop over and have a gander!

Toodle Pip, just off to book club, Madame Bovary tonight, didn't get to finish this one! I wonder if the girls will notice!!!


Ada :) x



  1. Hooray! Hope you had a ribbon-cutting ceremony! Congratulations :)

    Anna x

  2. Congratulations Ada! Your site is so fun :D Count me in on the giveaway, I love the patchwork pillow - such a beautiful job. Your wallpaper samples look so cheery and I'm sure they'll sell out fast. Enjoy your week!

    Hope you get loads of sales. I shall be keeping an eye out for those printers trays and wallpaper of course!

  4. I'm looking forward to what you do with them Ellie, you have magic hands you know! Ada :)

  5. Wowee this is such brilliant news, congratulations and all the very best, I think I will have to have a snoop in your shop xox All the very best xox Penelope

    1. Thanks Penelope, Mr Bea is pleased, thinks when it's all gone, I won't buy anymore! I'll let him think that for a while! Ada :)

  6. I bet they get swooped up straight away - totally gorgeous...if only I had a project.

    Nina x

  7. Congratulations on opening your shop, Ada! Wishing you lots of success :)
    Helen x

  8. WOO HOO well done Ada, if you are anything like me you will be looking at it every two minutes to check if anyone has looked at it!
    Beautiful papers
    : ) x
    p.s I'm just about to enter your giveaway x

  9. Congratulations & celebrations...! I wish you all the best with your new venture.

  10. It all looks great Ada have just had a peek, all the very best of luck xx

  11. Ooh Ada, well done and congratulations, I'm sure you'll do really well on Etsy. I'm going to have a litte noisy right away!

    Love Claire xxx

  12. Ooh well done and good luck from me too!
    Will take a peek!!

  13. Enjoy yourself, Ada! You will be an overnight success; I am sure of it!


  14. I love your eye! I'm sure it will go really well - best of luck to you :)

  15. Congratulations on opening your shop, I see you've made some sales already. Very exciting! I'm sure you're going to do really well !
    Kate x

  16. Woohoo Ada ... I am so, so pleased for you ... you must be delighted ... Bee xx

  17. Yay, well done you! I've just popped over for a look and it all looks, well, brilliant. Do you think you'll put any fabric on there? Well done on three sales already!! x

  18. Oh my this is delightful to know that you will be selling your painters trays and pyrex! Though I am sure shipping to Canada could be costly. off to take a peek right now.

  19. Congratulations!!!!
    I've just visited your shop!!! ;oD
    xxx Alessandra

  20. Yay!!! Congrats!! Heading over! xo Heather

  21. Ada, I came home with another caravan yesterday just in time for some of your amazing papers! Thank you!!!
    Sharon x

  22. How exciting, hope you have your first sale soon. x

  23. Thank you all SO MUCH, your support has been great! Hopefully I will be putting the printers trays on within the next few days, just need to check postage! Ada :)

  24. Ada, thats wonderful , you have such a wonderful eye for treasures....

  25. Ada Congratulations on your shop!
    you are going to be soooo busy I know.
    Have just found your givaway I hope i am not too late to enter.
    I am putting a link on my post today too,
    Bestest luck with shop!
    Daisy J
    Ps Thanks for joining my crochet giveaway too x

  26. Congrats on the opening of your Etsy shop...going to go take a peek now!


  27. Well done you, for having opened your very own Etsy shop. I am sure it will be a roaring success!


Hello! Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts and messages with me. I read each and everyone and will try and answer any questions as quickly as I can! :)x