Friday, 19 October 2012

Giveaway Winner!

We have a winner.....


CONGRATULATIONS to............Polka Dot Petticoat!

I tried to upload a photo of the winning ticket, but my new laptop is playing up, Grrrrr! It was witnesses by an 11 year old, and an 8 year old! In fact my youngest was very excited, and wanted to know if we can do this every week, now there's a thought!

THANK YOU all sooooo much for your wonderful words on my last post. I was very moved by your stories and encouragement. I will gather my thoughts together, and say thank you properly over the weekend, I'm tired now and need sleep!


Take care, Ada :) x




  1. Congratulations to the lucky winner! And your last post was so moving and inspiring Ada, I wanted to leave a comment but didn't have time to do it justice - so will just say that I think you're an amazing, positive, creative person with a wonderful approach to life. I hope you have a great weekend. Rachel xx

  2. Congratulations to Polka Dot ....very lucky :-)

    Amanda :-)

  3. congratulations to the winner!!!!!
    ..and a big hug for you, xxx Ale

  4. Oh my .....YIPPEE.....I am soooooooooooo excited!

  5. congratulations to polka dot peticoat - you lucky lady! & thanks to Ada for offering up such loveliness x

  6. Big congratulations to Polka Dot Petticoat ... thanks for doing this lovely giveaway Ada ... wishing you a peaceful weekend ... Bee xx

  7. Well done to Polka Dot on her win :)

    Let us know when those little houses are in your shop, please :)

  8. Congratulations to polka dot peticoat.thank

  9. Congratulations to your winner, hope you have a restful weekend.
    Sarah x


Hello! Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts and messages with me. I read each and everyone and will try and answer any questions as quickly as I can! :)x