When I started this blog, I was just starting to accept some huge changes in my life. Reviving 'Ada Bea' has helped me reconnect a bit with my Mum, sounds odd I know, but that's how it feels to me!
As Amanda, I have lots of challenges to deal with, many of us have. 'Losing' a beautiful, supportive Mum. Accepting those differences within your child that you've always seen, but thought you didn't really have to acknowledge. Being diagnosed with a condition which is unpredictable, progressive and downright blinking annoying! Coming to terms with the fact I am no longer able do the job I've always loved, and the financial impact that has.
So what's good about being Ada Bea? Quite simply, YOU ARE! The support and encouragement I have received from everyone has been amazing, to say the least! Ada can be creative, put aside for a little while, some of those stresses. This is her happy place, her colourful, flowery world!
Writing this blog is REALLY helping, it's keeping me positive and happy. I'm not sure if that's normal, but I don't care! I love this Bloggy world!
I've been very touched by your comments, so many of you have your own challenges, perhaps that's why we are all here, who knows! I'm just glad I decided to join in!!!
Take care, lovely friends,
Amanda :) x
(Ada will be back tomorrow, promise!) x x x
Hello Amanda!
ReplyDeleteI love to come home at the end of a day teaching and sometimes generally dealing with not very pleasant stuff to find a comment or two and check out what everyone else has been up to.
Blogging is a great escape. I can write about and record the good stuff (and the bad if I like) and remind myself how lucky I am.
Sometimes I toy with the idea of a behind the scenes post, the grim reality of a bad day, ugly photos rather than prettiness, and wonder what readers would make of it!!!
Keep on writing. I'm loving it.
Thanks Ellie, I think teaching is one of those careers where you have to give your all, children demand it! I can well imagine how exhausting it gets! :) x
DeleteDearest Amanda
ReplyDeleteYour blog is beautiful and ever so refreshing,not to mention your beautiful makes. Love the printers trays by the way, really gorgeous. I too love the blogging world, I've made virtual and real friends which is so rewarding above anything else.
I too like to focus of the fun and frivilous bits of my life but try to keep some home truths showing through, it's not all polka dots and roses :o) Take care and keep on blogging xox Penelope
Thanks Penelope, we would perhaps get a bit bored if it was all polka dots and roses! It's the challenges that helps us grow! :) x
DeleteAda Bea, I think that crafty bloggers are caring and sharing. This is the good side of social media, we could have met at a shop and started talking, we could meet at the school gate or a craft group. Blog land allows us to start talking and if like minded folk join in the conversation connections are made. I am glad this is your happy place, I think anywhere you are able to talk and have others listen and acknowledge your story makes you feel a part of a wider community. Listening is a lost art, at least here we are forced not to interrupt and let you have your say!!:-)
ReplyDeleteI understand your thoughts as a parent when things don't go the way we might have envisaged, but love is very powerful.
Thanks Susan, I chuckled at what you said about our readers not being able to interuppt, never thought of that before! :) x
DeleteMy thoughts are with you Amanda,we nursed my mother in law thro alzheimer's its an awfull illness to have to deal with.Im sure you get a lot of comfort from blogging just to be able to switch off from it all.Keep blogging you do a wonderful job of it and your crafts are lovely.Bloggers are always here for each other through all kinds of stress full times.Love and hugs to you.Jill xx
ReplyDeleteThanks Jill, it is an awful illness, I hope you got the support you needed at the time, :) x
DeleteIt's like you peeked out form behind your pretty printers trays and gave a quick wave. :) Lovely to see the real you even if it's only a warp speed visit.
ReplyDeleteI cannot even begin to imagine how hard it must be to see your Mum disappearing inside herself - it would break my heart, that's for sure ..and the other things!
I hope you always find your blog to be a happy place...mine is, for me...you're right you know, a lot of us bloggers have difficulties/sadnesses we cope with in real life, and our blogs are, in a way, a coping mechanism.
Thanks Wendz, I think crafting is a kind of therapy, don't you think! You're therapy is A1, I'm still getting to grips with mine! Hopefully one day I will make lovely things like you! :) x
DeleteSo proud of you Amanda. It's so hard to see our loved ones disappear into Alzheimer's. And the challenges of having something happen to one of our kids is always hard. You expressed fully why I blog. It's a happy place to meet and greet with like mined people and a place to sometimes get things out so we can look at them through others eyes and by doing so, see the possibilities we couldn't before.
ReplyDeleteHugs to you and your family,
Thanks Sharon, I know things aren't always easy for you too! Take care :) x
DeleteSo sorry to hear about your mum. My dear Mum-in-Law has recently been diagnosed with vascular dementia, which is viscious. Dad-in-Law has Alzheimers (this is his 5th year as he luckily got the medication early but he is slowly disappearing). He is now in care home because mum can no longer look after him. She is now in a different care home after a very difficult three months in local hospital (bad story and she deteriorated rapidly in there). My dear in-laws have been surrogate parents to me since my own died many years ago (I am grateful that my parents 'went' physically and not mentally). To go through the loss again is agonising, my sister in law does not understand my grief as it is Her parents and she has not felt the same love for her in-laws.
ReplyDeleteI write my blog to get rid of my anger, frustration and grief, so it is not a pretty blog (but I love to read the beautiful ones and get much pleasure from other's pictures and crafty talents!
Susan x
PS I see my mum's hands when I look at my own and my dad's eyes when I look in the mirror and at my 3 children's.
Thanks Susan, you have such a lot to cope with at the moment. It doesn't matter if someone actually gave birth to you, or not, it's what they mean to you that's important. Keep blogging, it's certainly a supportive community! :) x
DeleteYou know, I think that blogging give you the opportunity to meet people with the same interests very quickly and this is really amazing!!!! Another thing I like about this "world" is the kindness that bloggers use to interact with each other...This surprises me every time, because outside, in the real world is not often so!!!
ReplyDeleteI like to share all this with you and the other bloggers I meet every day on Blogland, because it makes me feel so good!!!
xxx Alessandra (A BIG HUG!!!)
Thanks Ale, big hug accepted, and one sent back! :) x
DeleteBloggers are friends you haven't met yet :D
ReplyDeleteSo true Sue! Thanks for your support! :) x
DeleteBlogging is an essential in my mind Ada. I started writing mine one New Year after a day of feeling so scared by how broke we were and not being able to see any way out. I needed something positive and distracting in my life, I had no idea of all the other things it would give me. I've met, chat with and am inspired by wonderful like minded people. It's motivated me to do much more with my creativity, given me a place to hide from some hideous stuff that tore my world apart and best of all I've been amazed by how many great people there are out there. Like Ellie said, it's a great escape and it sounds like you need that at times.
Thanks Lisa, I have some wonderful friends and family who are just great. Sometimes though, it's just good to be in that creative space, being motivated and inspired! :) x
DeleteSo many lovely comments and support for you Amanda, blogging is a great way for people to keep in contact and help each other. Knowing there are others out there who feel and want to be there for you is wonderful. Keep your strength up Amanda and we are here.
ReplyDeleteThanks Margaret, I really am blown away by everyone's kindness! :) x
DeleteI've only just begun to follow your blog but the first time I visited I loved the freshness that blew thru it and thought ah ha! here's one for me!
ReplyDeleteI think we all start to blog for different reasons, not realising that over here in the arty-crafty-vintagey corner, everyone is very supportive and inspiring. That came as a real surprise to me when I started, and I've loved it all the way.
I have no experience of coping with alzheimers as alas my parents and grandparents died too young, but I've often thought it a blessing we were spared that on-going trauma and I send you caring thoughts.
As I wade thru the mire of stuff that's thrown my way, I'm a firm believer that its not what you get dealt, but what you make of it, and as I can see you've found- each day has something to giggle about, albeit a teeny one sometimes!
Oh, I've rambled so sorry!
Thanks for your kind words! I actually always look for the positives in whatever situation I find myself in, giggling and laughing is what gets us through! :) x
DeleteI love the blogging world too, it's a place to turn our lemons into lemonade! You have a great blog here, love my visits! xx
ReplyDeleteThanks Pippa, I love lemonade, the bubblier the better! :) x
DeleteGreetings Amanda... we all come to blog land for different reasons I'm so glad you have received the support you have needed. I too am living with a health problems and so understand the frustration of not being able to lead the life I'd planned, often house bound I live alone so for me this place brings in nature, colour, creativity and social interaction that I miss. I for one don't only need to hear about the good and the lovely... personally I like the open and real so continue to express yourself Amanda Ada Bea. Sending smiles Cass
ReplyDeleteThanks Cass, I'm glad you find comfort in the Bloggy world! It's not until we have to face I'll health that we realise what we had! I look after my body really well now! Take good care of yourself! :) x
DeleteDitto ditto ditto. Eleanor x
ReplyDeleteThanks Eleanor, please still visit when you are over the other side of the world, won't you! :) x
DeleteWell hello Amanda! I love this bloggy world because it does help me to focus on the good in life. Sometimes things are tougher than tough but there is always something... A smile, some paper, even leaves on a pavement. It all helps doesn't it? My mum called me Lucy Locket Lost Her Pocket. I still get called Lucy if I am very good!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lucy Locket! Yes it's usually the little things that bring the biggest smiles! :) x
DeleteMy heart bumps for the loss of your Mother x We blog for many reasons, I love the comments and contact with people you've never met. Like you my life changed dramatically with illness and had to cut my working hours too. I also lost the sense of freedom and stamina due to my disability, so a little blogging helps me see how much I do and not how little I achieve. I also get lots of inspiration, tips and marvel over yummy photos and interiors too x
ReplyDeleteThanks for your support. I can relate to the lack of stamina, that's what drives me bonkers, I used to run around like a headless chicken, now I soon know when I've done too much! Take good care of yourself :) x
DeleteYou are such a joy to have here in blogland Ada Amanda Bea, I'm so glad you're getting so much out of it, especially with all the challenges, big and little, that life has presented you with - you are inspiring in the grace and humour with which you rise to them.
ReplyDeleteMy Mum used to call me her little magpie, cause I kept a 'nest' of shiny things under my pillow...I still love to collect treasure but it doesn't all fit under my pillow any more!
Hope you're having a lovely crafty weekend. Rachel xxx
Thanks Rachel, yes I can well imagine you are a little squirrel, all those lovely things you have! :)x
DeleteYou have such a beautiful blog Amanda full of crafty goodness and wonderful words and feelings you share. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
ReplyDeleteVictoria xx
Thanks Victoria, I've had a great weekend so far! :) x
DeleteHello Ada,
ReplyDeleteYou know my heart goes out to you with your dear Mum...
my Mums journey was a 7 year extremely hard sad and cruel one and like you I couldn't have coped with out my sister to help support and cry with..
I was the same as your dear blogging friend and hence my blogging world began.
I am soo happy to follow you on here Ada and as said before if you ever need to chat and the illness does go from bad to worse, I am here...
I am off to have a tarot reading this afternoon am hoping my mum comes through to let me know she is with Dad now, My father passed when I was a child...
Please take care and I am sending kind regards.
love Maria x http://roseytintedspectacles.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/memories.html
The post above is when I spoke about how hard things had been..
Thanks Maria, you are so kind and I know you have experienced such pain. Take care :) x
DeleteI think it's important that we acknowledge all parts of ourselves now and again. It's what makes us whole and real people! You have done really well lately, juggling all the different parts and creating new things. Onwards and upwards as they say! Heather x
ReplyDeleteThanks Heather, yes definitely, onwards and upwards! Looking forward to the summit! :) x
DeleteSounds like you have a lot to deal with in your Real Life. I think that is why people like blogging it gives an escape from reality. Whatever our realities and problems that lie within them might be. I have found over the years that blogging has kept me positive and focused on those small things that mean a lot me and being able to document them on my blog. It reminds me that the little things DO matter very much in life. Sometimes more than the big things.
ReplyDeleteP x
Thanks Paula, I find blogging a very positive place to be! I'm a very visual person, love all the beautiful photos and lovely things people create! :) x
DeleteWhat a lovely post! I think you're right, a lot of us craft and blog to escape and enjoy a second, less stressful, existence, and I love how supportive, encouraging and understanding the blogging community can be. I wholly approve of all Beas, having a joyful Bea in my own life, so long may Ada Bea create and blog!
ReplyDeleteAnna. x
Thanks Anna, yes, it's a great place to come to, full of lovely things! :) x
DeleteDear Ada/Amanda, you have such a lot on your plate at the moment but are so cheerful and creative all the time, your blog is such a pleasure to read. I escape to my blog when the going gets tough, I think that's probably true of a lot of us ... If we can forget about life for a while and escape to blog land, that's surely a great thing? Look after yourself, and thinking f you
ReplyDeleteClaire xxx
Thanks Claire, it's good to lose ourselves in all this creativity! :) x
DeleteHello Ada
ReplyDeleteI can also relate to your comfort in blogging, It is a world that you can say as much or as little as you wish and there are some wonderful ears out there listening. (my Mum also had alzheimer's )
Thinking of you
Thea x
Thanks Thea, I'm so sorry about your Mum, you are right, some wonderful listening ears! :) x
DeleteHello Amanda/Ada, i think it's a great idea having an alter-ego, but we are all pleased to have met the real you! Yes, I do so understand the Altzheimers thing; my mum's is very gradual, she's been a bit 'dippy' for years, it seems, we always joked with her about it. But we are doing ok. You have the additional burden of ill-health to contend with - heartfelt hugs to you.
ReplyDeleteOur bloggy spaces are wonderful, fulfilling the same role, I guess, as the sewing bee or mothers' eeting a generation or so back. I have some really good friends, but bloggy friends are valued as well. We have both of us discovered the joys of blogging this year..it has been so good to 'meet' you! Lx
Thanks Lynne, I wouldn't be as strong as I am if it wasn't for a brilliant husband, family and friends! They always seem to step in when needed! I hope your Mum continues to keep well for many more years :) x
DeleteYou've created such a beautiful space here! I love coming here regularly, and your crafting is so talented. I'm so glad we've 'met'!
ReplyDeleteThanks Laura, I'm glad you think this is a beautiful place to visit! :) x
DeleteOh Amanda/Ada Bea..what a post, and what honesty! I am glad blogging brings you joy. I know exactly what you mean...it's a place to celebrate the good in life, to focus on the things that make us happy. Take care. xxx
ReplyDeleteThanks Gillian, yes having this little blog is the perfect place to spread a little joy, and get some back too! :) x
DeleteHi Ada,
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad the wonderful 'bloggy world' is helping you in trying times. It is so good to be able to share as much (or as little) as you want and get amazing support from 'friends' you have never met isn't it. I lost a friend very suddenly earlier this year and briefly 'spoke about' it online. The support I received was quite amazing.
I love your blog and all your kind comments.
M x
Thanks M, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, it's awful when those we are close to are whipped away, it can take a while for our brains to register what's happened, although our heart feels it straight away, take care :) x
DeleteI too am losing my wonderful dad to dementia ... somedays it's so difficult to still see the man he was but we take a day at a time and my mom is so strong ... It's nice to know we don't walk this path alone and others are holding our hands ... much love to you and your family x
ReplyDeleteThank you, so sorry to here about your Dad, taking it one day at a time, it's the best way. The early days I think we're the worst, Mum was very frightened and confused, her personality changed. She's now back to the lovely person she was, just can't remember anything! All the staff at the home say how elegant she is, a real lady! Take care, :) x
DeleteMy Dad suffered with dementia and got more aggressive as the disease progressed. It is so sad when one of your parents starts to become unrecognisable. You are have so many challenges to face and so I am glad your blog has helped with the difficult changes in your life. I gained so much from reading blogs , they gave me a few moments escape from my troubles. I didn't start blogging until quite a while after he had died.
ReplyDeleteSarah x
I'm so sorry about your Dad Sarah, the way the disease robs them of their personality is awful. My Mum is much more settled now, in her own little way she's happy now, it was horrible to see her so frightened, take care, :) x
DeleteI love how you can meet like minded people through blogging, and I find on crafty type blogs everyone is so supportive.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I've only just read this so commenting very late. What a beautiful honest post. I'm sorry that you have had to face some tough times but I'm really pleased you are finding the World of blog a good place to be. I couldn't be without it myself. Fiona x