Monday, 5 November 2012

Cats guide to........

Frightening your unsuspecting Owner half to death.......
1. Sit in a darkened room, next to a cuddly toy.
2. Wait for said Owner to walk into the room and sit on the chair next to you.
3. Spring forth at great speed, and land on arm of said Owners chair.
4. Watch performance as said Owner jumps around room screaming loudly in fear, spilling cup of tea in process.
5. When all is calm, retreat back to original position next to cuddly toy.
6. Wait for next unsuspecting victim.
Hope you all had a good heartbeat has now returned to normal......haven't moved that quick in years!
Ada :) x


  1. Our cats get up to those sort of tricks as well!


  2. So funny! I hope you have recovered from the shock. Naughty cat!

  3. Lol Cats are funny aren't they. Hope you are feeling ok now.

    P x

  4. Glad we haven't got a cat to do that to me right now. Can't move at any kind of speed! Glad you're recovered now. Fiona x

  5. Your cat has got a great sense of humour! This made me giggle asI sat in pain with my hand on my head applying pressure to the finger I just cut badly preparing dinner...One way to get out of the cooking, eh?

  6. Just Keeping you on your toes!! x

  7. :) you gotta LoVe cats!
    Victoria xx

  8. So funny. Cats have their own unique character. Hope you have recovered.


  9. That is funny - my daughter Bell is the trickster in our family. She enjoys hiding in my wardrobe and jumping out when I lest expect it!

  10. lol!

    ... and they say cats don't have a sense of humour!


  11. Your story reminds me of our first cat, wild as hell. I had to wear boots on a permanent basis, my legs were used for her lunging practice. Though she did grow to be a lovely girl.

  12. that's great, made me laugh!! great game! Heather x

  13. That's so funny! :)

    I don't have a cat to make my heart jump but I do have a 12 year old boy in the house - who scares me nearly to death every day... he loves to hide behind doors and jump out at me, shrieking, when I least expect it makes me scream.

  14. That is so funny - poor you. Glad your heart has gone back t o beating normally x

  15. Just been catching up with your blog Ada - what brilliant makes! You have been busy! LOVE the cotton reels, and the patchwork, and those adorable little houses!
    By the way, I have two friends asking for stallholders for Christmas events at the beginning of December. If you think you might be interested, drop me a line and I'll give you their details x

  16. I love that about cats they are so unpredictable......Jerry is a little like this also.......Have a great week, love Heidi

  17. Too funny!! Gotta love those sweet kitties!! ;) xo Heather

  18. Oh dear....but boy is your cat adorable..glad you are back to normal...happy Monday to you.

  19. Crikey, that made me laugh!! Naughty Puss.

  20. So funny Ada ... you made me laugh out loud ... what a naughty kitty ... Bee xx

  21. eh! eh! eh!
    cats.....what we will do without them??
    xxx Ale

  22. We have a cat called Moe who looks exactly like yours! How mad is that?

  23. Haha, Ada! Could just imagine it xxx

  24. Ooh for the love of cats!!
    They do keep us on our toes.
    Happy Tuesday Ada.
    Love Maria x

  25. Haha, I shouldn't laugh, but that's sooooo funny! And they say people with pets live longer ... ;)

  26. Glad your heart beat has returned to normal. They do look very cute together!
    Sarah x

  27. Cats are just crazy!! My sister and I once rented a farmhouse and she brought home absolute MONSTERS of cats from a horse farm where she worked. I think they may have been feral. Since that time I've stuck with dogs. :) Wendy

  28. The little wotsit!...was it payback for something you had or hadn't done?

    Nina x

  29. Cheeky lil cat..haha :P
    Magie x

  30. Oh you poor thing, how frightening. My normally very placid cat decided my bare toes dangling off the edge of the lounge needed to be savaged and the blood curdling shriek out of my mouth could have woken the suburb. Hubby practically wet himself laughing. mel x ps i will get some pink wallpaper from you, just working out how much.

  31. Funny!! Yes, mine takes a swipe at me too sometimes, when I least suspect it

  32. Thank you Everyone for your comments.....always a great pleasure to read! :) x


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