Thursday, 8 November 2012

The Old Button Gene....

Eminent scientists, working in a secret laboratory, deep in the heart of Switzerland, have discovered a new gene. They have called it.....The Old Button Gene. People with this gene display unusual behaviour, especially when they are exposed to certain vintage goodies. They have palpitations at the sight of old buttons......
Go weak at the knees when faced with crocheted delights...(thank you so much sweet Lisa x x x x)
Swoon at the mere existence of vintage Pyrex.....
LOVE utility china........
Wonder a miniature deers.....especially when they are positioned next to sweet little jug, adorable printers trays and delicious crocheted flowers!
They adore to wrap parcels in brown paper and string......
They also like to receive parcels too.........
They LOVE the new book by these lovely ladies Tiff and Rachelle.
Have you got the Old Button Gene?
What makes you go weak at the knees?
What vintage goodness do you love?
Now I have a dilemma ladies, a moral challenge, what should I do!!?
Mr Bea and I have discussed Christmas, because our pennies are being squeezed so much at the moment, we decided we would only have one little pressie each this year.
I knew straight away what mine was to be....Granny Chic!
Now I have a confession, that magazine I brought last week, the one I thought was a waste of money, was carefully repackaged and took back to the supermarket! I know, I know! Not great, BUT it was hardly touched, and I don't have fivers to waste anymore! So this means the book really only cost £6.00! Odd logic I know, I blame The Old Button Gene (I think I might be blaming that gene for a lot of I know it's there!).
So WHAT do I do? Of course I had to check the book when it arrived, didn't I? Well as I checked the book, I had to check the pictures, check that the words were spelt correctly (not an easy task if you're dyslexic). Before I knew it, I had devoured the whole book!
So do I give the book to Mr Bea to hide, so I can't find it? Or do I just carry on reading it, but not get anything for Christmas? Or do I blow caution to the wind, keep the book, and ask for another small pressie to open on Christmas day! Please help, you're advice is always soooo good, and if not good oh so funny! (again I think it's down to the gene we share!).
Ada :) x x x
p.s. Etsy news....
Wallpaper by the metre will be listed this evening, I will have more to add over the next few days, just got to take some more photos.
After being inspired by Granny Chic I've pulled out all my Granny Goodies and will make up some 'Crafty Ways- Granny Chic Packs'.....made up from these.....
(and this is just the tip of the iceberg!).
Each pack will have some of my best Granny wallpaper, Granny fabric, and lovely bits of Yarn and Lace...they will all be unique, just like our Grannies were! :) x x x


  1. That is so funny - and a great discovery - I think many a blogger may suffer with that kind of gene.

    Nina x

  2. ...definitely genetic...i say keep the lovely book and request another surprise treat for way i could hand my copy back! x

  3. I know all about the old button gene; there are also vintage sheets genes, pineapple ice bucket genes, vintage tea towel genes and any old tat genes. My how we suffer! Anyway, Granny Chic. Is it swoonworthy coz it might well be going on my Xmas list? I would definitely keep it and ask for something smallish for Xmas. You know you're worth it (oops, sorry!). xx

  4. I definitely have this gene too! Granny Chic is on my Christmas list. ( think I'd be inclined to ask for a teeny tiny something to open on Christmas Day!)
    Victoria xx

  5. ha ha thanks for the giggles! I have that gene too - as you can see from my blog post earlier this week! Luckily I also have the vintage tin gene so I have plenty of them to keep my buttons in... looking forward to treating myself to some of your wallpaper. And you should definitely ask for just a little totally deserve it! xx

  6. Definitely have the old button gene, so relieved to find it's genetic and therefore I have no control over it :) I think you need to keep the book for purely research reasons to make your Granny packs, maybe something else small for Christmas. xx

    1. Research purposes, excellent advice, I'm sure Mr Bea will understand perfectly! :)

  7. Wow I loved your new treasures ...I can't wait to see what you create!

  8. I have that gene, though I think mine might be a mutant variety ... buttons and utility china and brown paper packages - be still my beating heart! - but crochet isn't knitting and in the style department I'm a mid century girl.

    Re. your dilemma. Seek out a crafty/vintage style book that you'd love that is out of print but not too rare so only a few quid. Then point Mr Bea at the Amazon listings, and tell him it's fine that it's not as much as you agreed to spend because you really want it. Simples :)

    1. Annie, I love your very crafty ways, and I don't mean the knitting! :)

  9. I think my version of the gene must make me like cake (baking and eating) more than is strictly good for me. If Mr Bea is also a crafty soul you could suggest you make something for each other, or you could go down the road of treat vouchers - 'this voucher entitles the bearer to one cuppa in a nice cafe with a cake or scone of their choice in the company of Mr Bea, small Beas optional' A few of those would be a fabby present to recieve!

  10. Love Cheryl's research purposes. Definitely keep the book and ask for another small present. Your crafty self can surely think of something to fill that void.


  11. I have the gene too Ada! Oh you are naughty, reading your Christmas presents ...

    I hate to tell you this, and I am a tad annoyed, but Granny Chic was on sale in our local The Works yesterday for £5.99 ... I ordered mine from Amazon in July for £11.83 or some weird price, thinking I was getting a bargain. Know that's no good to you, but for others who haven't got it yet might like to have a little look. I don't have money to waste either :( and am thinking this is a mistake, as surely only books are sold there that have been out for a while?

    Anyway, love your blog Ada, it always cheers me up!
    Love Claire xxx

    1. Now that would have been a bargain! I'll look in there first in the future! :)

    2. Yes it really IS £5.99, I bought a copy today. Happy happy happy :-)

    3. Thanks for the tip Claire, yep it sure is that price, one happy customer here!

  12. Oh I have the button gene too... I got it from my granny who used to sit me in front of the open fire with the button tin to play (pre health and safety days) .... the book is yummy and am sure you're grannie packs will be a best seller. Another small present is due me thinks... even if it's just a tin of vintage buttons x

  13. Button gene, oh yeah, definitely. Also, horses on wheels gene (quite a dominant gene, that one), glass jelly mould gene (especially at Christmas), vintage ABC blocks DNA, and quite a bad case of vintage tin affliction, too.
    I am very impressed that you took the magazine back, too.

  14. I just might have that gene, too!! Sweet treasures!! I can't wait to get a copy of the Granny Chic book. Such pretty inspiration. Will have to wait til it comes to the states, hopefully soon. Have a lovely day! xo Heather

  15. The granny chic packs sound like fun! I do like your logic about the magazine! I would find it hard to put the book on hold for 6 weeks. I think asking for another small thing would be the thing! maybe he could make you something!:) Heather x

  16. My heart is racing looking at these photos. Love the vintage pyrex and utilitly china. My 12 year old daughter has the old button gene. She has an old tin full of them - treasure. Elaina xo

  17. I have that gene too, I used to love playing with my mum's old button box they seemed like treasure! I have had a book upstairs which arrived about a month ago and is waiting to go under the tree for me for Christmas. I have been tempted but haven't opened it!
    Sarah x

  18. Oh Ada! I had to laugh, my feeling is yes, keep it as suggested for research purposes and see what happens....your other half will surely not let you face Christmas morning without a present to open will he? Even a quarter of your favourite sweets - we've done that before when funds have been low.You could make something 'extra' for him, utilising your granny skills - a pen wiper, or something!!! (never understood what they were!)

    I don't have the vintage gene as such, but I do love collecting 'bits', buttons, beads, lace, trims etc eetc, so I feel I almost qualify. Lx

  19. Oh Ada ... I definitely have this gene ... it is positively embedded in my DNA ... Granny Chic looks great ... it's on my wishlist and I think you could get another little gift ... or maybe you and your hubby could have a little treat day out with each other ... whatever you do ... enjoy it ... Bee xx

  20. Oooh choices choices,
    first yes I have the button gene, my mum used to keep them in a tea caddy, just like a treasure chest, I loved every one
    I would come clean and tell hubby that you just could not help yourself, Iam sure he will understand, and treat you to a little surprise!
    Thea x

  21. I have the same gene!!!
    I think you could ask for an extra gift! just say to your hubby to go to the thrift store and buy you some vintage buttons....I know you will be really happy!!
    xxx Ale

  22. Hey Ada I definitely have the OB gene but it ends with me, have not passed it on to my son!!!
    Dilemas, dilemas......I think perhaps you should choose a 'little something extra' from the charity shop, of course it wouldn't cost much and would be loved and appreciated by yourself..........

    Claire :}

  23. Yes, yes, I definitely have it. Especially the miniature deer, utility china, brown package tied with string and button bits of the gene (I lack a pretty printers' tray and can't crochet!)

  24. Miss Ada, you are very naughty to have opened your book. I think you need to close it RIGHT NOW and give it to your hubby. Just imagine Christmas Day being able to devour every word and photo, ah bliss!!!

  25. A lovely box of delights here Ada - my Granny certainly was unique...mmmm! Of course I have the button gene....
    In the charity shop only this morning there were two utility ware tureens - resplendent with lids...having given away a huge amount of this line about 10 years ago I felt that I couldn't then start buying it back....or perhaps I might...oh dear
    Best wishes

  26. I have that gene too!! And the gene that makes me eat too much chocolate. Keep the Granny Chic book, you deserve it, and get something else for Christmas. I would! x

  27. Oh my, I must declare that i too have this gene and boy am I glad that i'm not alone with it. Thanks for pointing it out Ada :o) Love Lisa's crochet and those buttons and all your granny goodness you are going to package up and sell. Perfect for all suffering with this genetic "disorder" hee hee.
    As for the book dilemma, could you justify taking the mag back to your husband and ask him to use that fiver for another little pressie for under the tree ? much love, Penelope xox

  28. Hi Ada,
    It kind of makes you all warm and happy all the vintage granny chic around at the moment.
    I am like Claire and bought the book from the Works, which is crazy as I couldn't believe it would be reduced all ready!
    Ooh must be hard to have to keep till Xmas Ada, work your charms on your man and then you never know, there may always be a surprise as well!! hehe..
    Love Mariax

  29. Oh that has given me a laugh! Keep the book and ask for another prezzie! Xx

  30. You make the button gene sound like a disease! And I have it! Lovely vintage things you have :) As for the book, I would bite the bullet and hand it over till Christmas...which means stop looking at it now! But it is nice to open a surprise gift Christmas day. My husband and I always buy one item as a joint present, which can either be fun or very dull (one year it was a microwave = dull). Maybe you can agree to just one more tiny smidgeon of a present each as a surprise. Wendy

  31. Your page always has great inspiration Ada. Lovely treasures~!

  32. That book is amazing! You absolutely needed to give it a good checking - you were doing your husband a favor by checking it for him, you good girl :) I'm such an honest girl that I would tell my husband - but I'm a forgetful girl too, so I'd be sincerely surprised by Christmas!

  33. no contest you ask for another pressie!!!

    I have a large collection of buttons, handed down from my granny but you can guarantee whenever I need a button there is never one suitable and I have to go and buy more!!

  34. I most definitely have that gene too. It includes buttons, pyrex, jugs, wallpaper, fabric and vintage fisher price toys as well. As for the prezzie, surely he can sneak some teensy little extra prezzie for you, some little treat from easy maybe? I have that book on my list too, looks wonderful. mel x

  35. So excited about all your wallpaper in the shop, and so glad I worked today because it will justify some purchases. mel x

  36. I wouldn't have dared to take a magazine back!

    As for the present, was the proper price of Granny Chic outside your budget? If not and you paid less than the budget, I would definitely keep the book for now, and your husband could get you something for Christmas for the price of the magazine.

  37. I have asked for their book for Christmas too...and I have the pryex gene my friend....xoxoxo

  38. Certainly you need to keep the book and have another pressie! You do make me laugh Ada, love your posts x

  39. I've just written a post about buttons and the strange effect they seem to have on me! Also just ordered the Granny Chic book yesterday, so I'd say it's a case of great minds this weekend. Have a lovely Sunday evening Ada.

    Anna x


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