Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Hooked on Hooky!


It's an amazing thing.......
Little circles get bigger......
Then, as if by magic, they turn into squares.....
Do you realise you are witnessing the birth of a new addiction??
I love hooking into the spaces, I'm not so keen at hooking into the chains, that requires more thought, and the ability to count....I've never been very good at Maths!
I'm thinking of popping another row on these, white perhaps?
Cushion? I think so......(you can never have too many cushions!)
Then I need to work the heck to join them together!!!
The colours, the possibilities, I'm giddy just thinking about it! Yes, i love my my new addiction, (as long as its hooking into the spaces that is!).
It's very, very cold here today, the trees look spectacular all covered in white but it's sooooo slippery! Hope those of you in the UK are keeping warm!
Bye for now,
Ada :) x
p.s. Etsy news, fabric listed although the photos aren't as good as I had hoped. Ive put a 15% coupon on until the end of January, we all need some little treats to get us through January, don't you think! Just type in WINTER15 at checkout! :) x


  1. You've got me wanting to go wool shopping for some lovely spring colours now :) These are lovely!

    1. Thanks for visiting Emma,, the colour possibilities are endless! :) x

  2. It looks like you have finally mastered crocheting ~ Well Done to you! And you are right you can never have too many cushions ~ especially lovely crochet cushions. You can either sew the squares together or crochet them together. There is a rather good tutorial on the wonderful Attic 24 blog :O)xx

    1. Thanks Jackie, not sure I would say 'mastered' but I've made a start! :) x

  3. I just love these fresh colours!
    As for joining them, have a look on Flickr at the join-as-you-go method by Sarah London. It's extremely well explained and the best one I know!
    I'm making a granny cushion too at the moment... very addictive!

    1. Thanks for visiting Sandra, I will check the site out! :) x

  4. Crochet is really addictive. I was the same when I started. All else fell to the sideline while I hooked to my hearts content.
    The way that I join squares is to crochet them together. It gives it a lovely look when it's finished but it does involve crocheting into the stitches. Another method that I sometimes use is to sew them together with darning thread. It's strong and never visible when finished.
    Best of luck,
    Rosie xx

  5. I like those colours...
    lots of tutorials out there for joining squares, keep it simple and dont forget you ca sew them if you want.... luckily you have lots of bloggy friends who crochet to help you too!!
    d x

  6. Ooh lovely, a cushion made of these would be great. Crochet is quite addictive don't you think?! I crocheting blankets in the winter is perfect for keeping you warm in the evenings. BTW, joining is easy if you follow the Attic 24 tutorial. xx

  7. Lovely little crocheted squares...look forward to seeing the finished cushion.......i think white is a good choice to finish.
    Pixie x

  8. Gorgeous colours Ada,so happy and spring like. I used to sew my squares together before I learnt to crochet them, both ways are just as good, comes the dreaded bit, its really advisable to block each square before joining them. A lot of effort but it does pay off. A quick and easy blocking technique is to steam iron them into their flat square shapes. It's going to be gorgeous for sure xox I told you once you pop you cant stop!

  9. Lovely and I think white would look fab. Although black is traditionally used to link all the little pools of brightness I recently saw a granny square blanket linked in white and it gave it a very modern look

    1. Thanks for popping by, I've seen the black ones they look fab too! :) x

  10. lovely squares, sweet colours. Join as you go, I think attic 24 had a good tutorial. careful if you iron them, I've never tried but i imagine acrylic won't like it! if it's a cushion, the squares should be okay, once the insert is in it will all stretch out where it's mean't to be! good luck they'll be no stopping you now, Heather x

    1. Hi Heather, it's actually pure wool, so will ironing be ok? :) x

  11. I can't wait to start learning how to crochet - love the colours you have chosen. xo

  12. It's so addictive, isn't it?? I love making granny squares and watching them all pile up. I'm glad to have finished my knitting as I'm itching to start a granny baby blanket for a friend.

    I sew mine together on the wrong side - the stitches are completely hidden and it's quicker for me than crocheting them together, but there are some good tutorials on Attic 24 for how to join squares.

    Gillian x

  13. Ada, I am impressed with your progress. Your home will soon be full of your colourful crochet!
    Sarah x

  14. I LOVE {sorry to shout but really I do LOVE them} the colours - perfect!
    Tis a terrible addiction, in years to come there will a support network for us crochet addicts...

  15. They are lovely and the colours are fab!

  16. Wow, way to go you, you've been very busy with your new love. So pretty :) I've found double crocheting them together in rows then across the easiest. Have fun. xx

  17. They are lovely! Those colours are just quite simply perfect! I love to Crochet - glad you're enjoying it too.

  18. So pretty - those colours will look perfect with white. And you're so right...there's no such thing as too many cushions! xx

  19. Oh Ada, this is so pretty!! I like the random placement of the different coloured squares. Wouldn't you love to wrap up in a whole blanket of this?! I think white would look quite nice around all the edges too. Keep pushing yourself through those difficult spots (you mentioned some tricky joining involving counting), I'm sure it'll all seem so easy to you in no time :)

    1. I'm sure I'll get it eventually.......something's take time! A lot of time! :) x

  20. Ada, what great work you are doing with your new addiction!!!! yay!!!! So happy for you!!! I think you have to look at the nice crochet tutorials made by Lucy at Attic24!!!
    happy day!!
    xxx Ale

  21. They are so pretty Ada!! You are doing so great!! Love the cheerful colors!! xo Heather

  22. Gosh you are going OFF with that crochet! And love how you have so nicely coordinated to colours to your blog header, quite lovely really. I have been puddling along with a stripey cushion (with some decidedly uneven rows if you know what i mean) but doing this at the beach in hot hot summer weather frankly makes me look like some kind of crazy cat lady. Loving crochet in a subtropical climates is nuts but somewhat has to do it! mel x

    1. Bless you! Are you sure it's just the crochet that is making you look like a crazy cat lady?!!! :) x

  23. Gorgeous colours. Can't wait to see your finished cushion.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your thoughts! :) x

  24. I've just passed you an award :
    xxx Ale

  25. you have come on so quickly with your crochet skills, maybe you should make something to wear next, would keep you warm on these cold days. Colours are fabulous.

  26. Scrummy colours and no, you can never have enough cushions :)

  27. You give me hope ada, I tryed and struggled.... but think I need to pick up that hook again! they are lovely :-) x

    1. There's always hope! I'm very hopeful I'll really get my head around it, (think this pattern is very easy, can you have cheats crochet?) :) x

  28. I think your crochet is wonderful... I favour joining using slip stitch in the back loops rather than join as you go and I do have a habit of getting tired with something and pulling it apart to make something else with the squares. Join as you go would not allow me this to do this. Take care with the ice x

  29. Thanks for leaving me a lovely comment - so we are both married to musicians and addicted to crochet, yay!!! I am thinking of making a granny square guitar strap for hubby (he asked me to make him something after seeing old pictures of Paul McCartney in a granny square waistcoat - lol) Don't fight the addiction - it's great!

    1. Thanks for visiting Samantha, crochet guitar stap, now there's a thought! :) x

  30. I love to make granny squares too!!! And actually, I am making a granny squares blanket!
    Your grannies are great and the colours are just lovely!

    1. Thanks Giesta, let me know when you've finished, I would love to see it! :) x

  31. I love them! and the colours are so fresh and pretty! They will make such a cute cushion x

  32. Love your pretty new granny squares...and yes, they are sooo addictive! I prefer hooking into the spaces rather than a chain too. Good luck joining the squares together...they will make a lovely cushion!
    Keep cosy Ada!
    Helen x

  33. Love your fresh colors! Have a nice day!

  34. I love the array of colours..well done..there is no stopping you now!
    Warm wishes
    Thea x

  35. Looking are well and truly hooked ;)

  36. Hi Ada, I've been meaning to come over and say 'hi' for a while. Nice to meet you! I started crocheting last year and agree it is completely addictive. I can't get enough either :-). I like your little squares and their lovely spring colours. White would look great as an extra round and then crocheted together with white too. I use tutorial for joining if you're looking for further inspiration. Happy Hooking! Mel x

  37. Awh Ada Your doing brilliant,its so addictive,I LOVE it and never get bored! The only thing is all other crafts have gone by the wayside for Me ,Crochet has completley taken over,be warned :o)
    Have a fab cosy weekend,hooking away,lots of love julieXxxx

  38. Love the colour combo Ada.....a snowy white edge would look lovely.
    Look forward to seeing the finished cushion.

    Claire :}

  39. Ooh what gorgeous colours you've used!


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