Friday, 18 January 2013

Parcels in the Post and Beautiful Blogs......

I LOVE Parcels in the Post, don't you? Especially when they arrive in polka dots! Would you like to have a look inside? Of course you do, you're as nosy as I am!
Some lovely yarny goods from Lisa at Bobo Bun, when I saw she had a sale in her Etsy shop I thought, why not.......a few days later a little pin cushion, that looks good enough to eat (might give me indigestion though!) and the sweetest little hat for boiled eggs, arrived!
Most of you will already know her Beautiful Blog but if you don't it's well worth a visit! Thank you Lisa for these little lovelies!
Now, I'm getting a bit of a taste for Liberty Prints at the moment, remember these?
Well I also noticed Messy Jessy had a sale what's a girl to do?
Order some more of course! I'm going to enjoy putting these with my vintage sheets! They are delicious aren't they!
I've also had a little parcel from Oooh Betty, no I'm not being greedy, this one is a pressie so I can't show at the moment, but will reveal soon (little clue, it's something in a box!)....But I can show you these that came with it, little peg dolls...
Little Bea nabbed these.....
Now as you know, I'm getting into this.......
And, as I had a little free time yesterday, I decided to have my Bunny Mummy Day! It was actually only a couple of hours, but what lovely hours they were.........
Plenty of tea, bit of music, and lots of crochet inspiration! Jackie truly has a Beautiful Blog! There's not just crochet, as lovely as that is, but nature, crafts, camping (I love camping!), gardening, cooking....the list goes on! I read it right from the beginning, it's great to see how someone's blog grows and develops. Please visit and see for yourself!
Hello to all of those who have just found Vintage Sheet Addict, thank you for visiting!
Don't forget I'm having a Winter sale in my Etsy shop, 15% off, just put WINTER15 at checkout, if you mention you read my blog, I'll pop a bit extra in! I've listed my vintage sheets and pillowcases. If put a 'Pick Your Own' fabric bundle listing on too! You pick, I mix!
Bye for now, it's snowing here.........keep safe and warm all of you in the snow! Thanks for popping by, and thank you so much for leaving me your thoughts!
Ada :) x



  1. What lovely goodies, it's so nice getting something in the post isn't it :) xx

  2. What lovely treats and goodies. Love the little crochet pin cushion. And your little crochet squares are so pretty. Its snowing here in Somerset to it looked very pretty first thing this morning. Have a lovely weekend, dee x

  3. Parcels are the best, and you certainly have lots of delicious treats here! So, what are you going to be making with all that luscious fabric?!

    1. Really not sure but I was given a quilting book for Christmas and I really fancy a go at something.....but the crochet has taken, need more hands! :) x

  4. I see your having a material moment, I wonder what's next on the making list, and I must try to make one of those pin cushions! Heather x

  5. What gorgeous new things Ada ... I think I might have rehomed one of the things in the box too ... they are fab ... just popped a few things in my basket from your etsy shop ... couldn't resist ... wishing you a lovely weekend ... Bee xx

  6. Lovely things you've bought:)
    You may very well mix these fabrics with your beautiful vintage fabrics. I often use new and vintage fabrics together.

  7. What lovely fabric you have there! I can see why you were tempted. Ahh that is one thing with blogging there are always temptations crafty or otherwise! its part of the allure I think.

    Hope you have a fab weekend.

    P x

  8. ~ Now that is my kind of post too, Ada! Pretty packages wrapped up beautiful.....ENJOY! Keep warm and cosy. Brrrr no snow for us, but Gosh it is blooming cold!!
    Leaving you with a smile :) Maria x

  9. I love Lisa and Jaquie's blogs too Ada, I must have a snoop around Oooh Betty and Messy Jessy xox Keep snug and cosy whilst crocheting aox Penelope

  10. Aw, you received some lovely things!

    Keep warm! And have a great weekend.

  11. I love the peg dolls, I remember making those when I was little. You have given me a birthday idea for one of my neices with those. Thank you! xo

  12. wow such GORGEOUS fabrics!! Thanks for arranging all the crafty swaps..I 'm looking forward to sending and receiving mine!! (and I'm having a little giveaway over at my blog/facebook...if you want to come take a peek) x

  13. Ooh you are doing brilliant, are you enjoying your crochet? I thought starting with one big thing rather than individual squares might help with my motivation!! Your goodies are gorgeous - I didn't realise Lisa had a sale on! Off to go check it out xx

  14. gorgeous things all round Ada! Thank you so much for featuring my fabric :) I can't wait to see what you make with it!! Love those cute little peg doll too, have a fun crafty weekend!
    Jessie, xo

    1. Great fabric, and lovely places to buy ALWAYS deserves a mention! :) x

  15. Mmmmm lovely fabrics!! You're getting quite a nicely coordinated collection here ... what's being planned for it all?! The only thing coming through my mailbox are bills :P Keep warm with the snow ... we're getting a bit more white coverage at the moment. Wendy

  16. A sweet parcel indeed!!! Those fabrics are so pretty! Happy creating this weekend! xo Heather

  17. so many lovely things....yay!!!!
    happy weekend Ada, xxx Ale

  18. Hello Ada! Thank you so much for stopping by Creative Breathing. What a pleasure to visit your blog. A vintage sheet addict, oh my gosh, wonderful! Your beginning afghan colors are so pretty. May I ask what type of yarn you like to use? I'm looking to begin an afghan and am not at all happy with the 4ply from the craft store. Thank you again so much for your kind comment. Elizabeth

    1. Hi Elizabeth, the yarn is Patons DK Dreamtime-pure wool. Thanks for popping by! :) x

  19. lots of nice new things here Ada, love the liberty prints, no excuse now where is that quilting book you had for Xmas ?

  20. What a lovely bundle of goodies. Liongirl has been making those peg dollies at our art gallery, we have a large extended family now. mel x

  21. Hi, A quilt will be perfect but so what if you don't get to that soon, they will look pretty in your stash too. So never mind, at least you have them!! Love the pin cushion too and can't wait to see what was in the box.

  22. Wow so much delicious stuff, what a treat. Can't wait to see some lovely makes from the fabric, its beautiful
    Have a great weekend
    Karen xx

  23. Hi Ada,
    Nice to treat yourself isn't it & have postie bring lovey things!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend
    Natalie x

  24. Lots of lovely goodies here, the fabric looks very exciting. Looking forward to seeing what you produce with it. Glad to see you getting along with crochet too!

  25. So much gorgeousness in one place...I can't take it!!! Drool...

  26. So many gorgeous packages - lovely! I too have recently discovered Jacquie's blog, it's wonderful.

    Gillian x

  27. What beautiful parcels to get in the post. What a lucky lady you are!! I love Liberty material too. The colours are always so enticing, it's often hard to resist.
    I had mentioned a few crochet books for beginners that I used to learn. If would wish I could send them on to you. They were very helpful to me when I started and you are more than welcome to them. Just mail me on your address, and i'll Zoom them off to you.
    Rosie xx

  28. It's always nice getting parcels through the post! Those fabrics are gorgeous.


Hello! Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts and messages with me. I read each and everyone and will try and answer any questions as quickly as I can! :)x