Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Twisted Elmer......


Hello Everyone......hope all is well in your part of the world! Thought I'd share with you my 'Twisted' Elmer blanket. It's not quite finished yet, I've still 10 seams to sew, but I'm giving my crochet sore fingers and elbows a rest first!
I started to make this a few weeks ago, I felt I needed something to make me sit and relax a bit after all the recent difficulties. It became a bit of an addiction.......I know, very unlike me!
I wanted something to use up all my leftover Kings Cole yarn, and just loved all the Elmer/patchwork blankets around, but I decided to put my own 'twist' on it.......
This resulted in some mixed coloured grannies in there too, I love the effect.
I've spent many hours crocheting away, watching the granny piles growing....
Eventually I had enough to put it all together......
This one is for Mr Bea.....he thinks it's because I love him, or maybe because he's 'twisted' too?!
It's not the biggest of blankets but it will help keep his legs warm whilst he's producing his music!
Those of you on Instagram will have seen all this photos before, but I just love the editing choices you have on there, much easier than anything else I've got! I'm really hoping to upgrade my camera this year, and learn how to take better pictures.
We say our goodbyes this week to our beautiful mum so I won't be back until next week. We are planning a glass or two of champagne before the ceremony, partly as Dutch courage, and also as a celebration of a wonderful soul, who touched us all so deeply.....we shall be having a glass for Mum, who loved maybe that will make it three glasses!!!
Bye For Now,
Ada :) xxx
I will leave you we another colourful image.....Pumpkin :) x



  1. I love the blanket, very Elmer. And goodbye to your Mum, the way you write about her is very touching x

  2. Bonjour! Your blanket will be gorgeous! Continue, it´s welll done! Have a nice day!
    Lucie (Québec, Canada)

  3. I love your Elmer's blanket!!!!! Please, a " cin cin" from me to your mum!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  4. It's gorgeous. I can't believe you only started it a few weeks ago. Good luck this week; your Mum was very lucky to have you. x

  5. I'm missing something...must look up Elmer blanket? Whatever you call yours----it's smashing; I love the combination of the colorful grannies and the plain ones.
    Sounds like you will be celebrating Mum beautifully.

  6. Love your Elmer blanket. I'm sending kisses and hugs to you and your family at this very difficult time. I know we have never met but if you need anything please ask .
    I am raising a glass to your mother.

  7. Hi Ada, this will be a marvellous blanket, I like the way you mix up solid coloured squares with multicoloured grannies! :) Funny that you call it Elmer! I remember reading those stories to my young kids!!!
    What a cute cat!!! :))
    Ingrid xx

  8. So sorry for your loss. Much love and strength to you and your family for the coming week. Take care.

  9. Hi Ada, looks like your blanket is going to be wonderful. I love all the colours and the addition of some multicolour squares.
    Thinking of you this week.
    Jacquie x

  10. Ada, I love the colors in your blanket. It's going to be beautiful. You're in my thoughts.

  11. Hello Ada

    Twisted or not, your blanket is wonerful with such vibrant colours especially the multi coloured ones. Will be thinking of You and your Family for the coming week.


  12. I bet Pumpkin is eyeing off the new blanket too, as cats do.
    Thinking of you. x

  13. Love your colour combo. Thinking of you x

  14. Your blanket is gorgeous !! Like it very much ... and your cat ! Hace a nice day !

  15. Cosy blanket, lucky Mr Bea. Thoughts for you next week xx

  16. Lovely blanket, so colourful and such a nice idea! Pumpkin is a beautiful kitty. Thinking of you.
    Helen xox

  17. Such lovely bright colours. I have taken a break from my blanket making over the summer, but I really must get back to it now - I'm three quarters of the way through the squares for a new one.

  18. Thinking of you this week lovely Ada. Bee xxx

  19. There is something really exuberant and joyful about this blanket, Ada, and it must be giving you a lot of pleasure to work on it right now. I hope your farewell to your mum goes smoothly and is a happy occasion as well as the sad one it must be. xx

  20. Beautiful blanket... The Mr Bea twisted reference made me laugh! :D

  21. A wonderful way to celebrate your Mum. I hope that the it went as well as it possibly could. xx

  22. Hi Ada Bea!

    Your twisted blanket is looking lovely. I'm sure Mr Be a will love it ;-)

    I was so sorry to learn about you mum. It is painful to lose a loved one, and ones mum especially. My thoughts are with you.

    As for your query about heating my studio... the little house is well insulated (except for the floor), and is heated by a radiator (oil filled, electric). It does a good enough job at it, except at very low/freezing outside temperatures.

    Good luck with yours ;-)


  23. Have a glass for her, from all of us too.. Ada!
    Love Pumpkin what a sweetie....I used to have a Pumpkin too but he was black??
    bestest daisy j x

  24. Your Elmer blanket made me smile, it is so colourful. Thinking of you and your family. Sarah x

  25. Me gustan muchísimo tus labores de ganchillo, enhorabuena por este blog.

  26. Love that first picture of the blanket against the striped rug, so much happy colour. I'm also loving your new floral background. It really makes all the photographs on your blog "ping".

    Hope you're doing ok x

  27. WOW,that's Stunning.I LOVE Pumpkin.x Hugs x


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