Thursday, 26 July 2012

In My Head I'm Molly Flanders.....

then the bubble bursts!

I LOVE the work Mary produces on Molly Flanders! With my iPad I can zoom onto her stitches, not a one out of place! To me she's the Mary Poppins of quilts! Practically Perfect in Every Way!
Mine on the other hand, well.........
I thought to myself, I'll make some notebook covers for the teachers....they love notebooks! Happily I went off with My Grand Plans....oh dear I thought I can't give them away!

So one of the notebook covers quickly became......


A cushion! I love cushions! Everything I make turns into a cushion!


Conversation With Friend-

"That's a nice cushion!"

"Thanks, it should have been a notebook cover for the teachers"

Funny look from friend " Well why is it on your sofa?"

"The seams aren't good"

"They look good to me!"

"No, on the inside!"

"But they won't look on the inside"

"They will when they get washed!"

Funny look from friend.

Bet Molly Flanders has nice seams!!!


Thanks for all your lovely comments on my Award, you are all so kind! Welcome to all those of you who are mad enough to follow this blog, I will try and make sure I visit your blogs soon.

Just a few things to show you, from car boots and charity shops!


This cute little cot is about 40 years old, the lady who sold her to me used to play with it. I think this will be my first Quilting Project! Don't mock me, I know it's only tiny but I'm afraid of quilts! I think painted up, some fantastic vintage fabric, she'll look beautiful! Just don't look too closely at my stitches!


I also picked up lots of 1950s curtain samples! Not sure yet what to turn them into, but the colours are fab.


And also some bits and bobs of china.
We have also been busy looking at Prom photos....she looked so sweet!
And getting out and about in this glorious sunshine...

Well the next couple of days will be frantic as I prepare the family for our camping holiday in Norfolk, fingers crossed the sun will stay out!

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your week,


Ada :) x



  1. Love all your finds Ada ... I have a sugar bowl and milk jug which are the same as the little green teacup and plates ... they belonged to my granny :) Your notebook cover/cushion is beautiful .... I have tried notebook covers several times but I can never get the bliming things right, they are always too tight or big and baggy! One day I will master it :) Bee x

  2. You're right to be afraid of quilts. They have a life of their own and take over yours. Scary monsters. I like looking at quilts but am too terrified of them to make my own - tried once and what a blinking disaster it was. Naah I'll buy my quilts and leave the making of them to other braver souls.

    I have some of those vintage fabrics you used in your notebook cover-turned-cushion pretty!

    I used to sew wonky seams on everything too - I'm terribly impatient and prone to cutting corners where I can - but after many mishaps and things thrown in the FAIL pile, I've trained myself to measure, and draw lines and follow them carefully and check and double check and press seams as I go....and to exercise heaps of patience - it's worth it.

    Fabby fab cot - takes me back that does.

    Loving all your china buys - wonderful bits and bobs there. :)

  3. Love the china! I have a few pieces of greydawn which is what the trio set looks like.
    Re the seams......and quilting.....just go for it, don't look for or expect perfection, just do. The charm of most vintage quilts is their quirky errors and uneven seams. They were made in a hurry to cover a bed not as a art piece. Relax dear and enjoy.

  4. Oh Ada, I make a lot of cushions too, for the same reason as you! Before embarking on my quilt project (still unfinished!) I invested in a cutting mat, rotary cutter and quilting ruler - it DEFINITELY helped my patchwork squares to not be a complete mess! Funnily enough I agree with both bits of contradictory advice above - be as precise as you can, and press as you go - but embrace the little quirky bits, and don't aim for perfection! I personally would have been delighted to receive your lovely notebook cover. xx

  5. Hi Ada, just manage to catch up with your blog after my camping trip. It's so nice to read what you have been upto and well done on the award!! you and your blog are just lovely. happy camping xx

  6. Mmm nice china!
    I tried notebook covers with disasterous results. They were too tight and the books wouldn't shut!! Althouh I cut them carefully they seemed rather wonky once finished so I've not gone there again. Now you've got me thinking about them....

  7. How resourceful you are, to turn a fail into a sweet cushion. Love that first teacup, scalloped edge and the colour really get me. Darling daughter looks divine. Is she too shy to show us her face? Nice selection of finds. The cot, (we would call it a cradle, here) is going to be terrific. But I am guessing it will be a bit before the reveal. Have a great campy trip. I will stay home, close to the amenities, and do up some things to show you when you are back.

  8. Oh my goodness, sweet Ada! Imagine my surprise when I {finally} got to my computer today and I find your post title! Oh heaven's! Please believe me when I say, my seams are not always perfect, or even my stitches - in fact - I am not perfect at all. Far from it! I love your notebook cover! It was made with love and it is the best gift a teacher could ever receive :) Your tea cups are so sweet....I am a softie for tea cups. Have a wonderful time on your camping trip. The location looks fantastic! How great to go to sleep with the smell of pine all around. Have a wonderful time!

    1. No really Mary, your stitches are perfect! Ada :)

  9. What sweet cover and cushion!! Love your treasures! What a beautiful prom dress!! Have a lovely Friday! xo Heather

  10. What a fun & happy post - you made me giggle out loud :-) I love that despite the wonky seams you maintain your sense of humour! That's the perfect attitude to pick, don't ever lose that.
    Love all your other pretty things too. Have a happy weekend xx

  11. Lovely pics Ada ... Your sewing looks pretty perfect to me! Prom dress looks fabulous, more please ... And can't wait to see the cot transformed ...

    Love Claire xxx

  12. Love that sweet little cot Ada! Your sewing is fab too - I have a phobia of my sewing machine :) it has a nasty habit of eating fabric :)
    Victoria xx

  13. Oh Ada you are funny! Visible stitching - yep, Do Your Best...invisible stitiching.....don't sweat it! Though I must say I have raised my game since making stuff to sell at the craft fairs.

    I too am a Molly Flanders her stuff and her fabric choices. But you know she's made a lot of quilts. A LOT. So of course she's good. You should be kinder to yourself and just enjoy the process. In quilting we say'finished is better than perfect.' and it is SO true! Lx.

  14. It all looks perfecto mundo Ada - keep on sewing and making lovely bits and bobs

  15. Your work all looked great to me, but I know what you mean when you've done it yourself. I turn into a real perfectionist and want it how it looked in my head even though everyone else can't see it.

    We'll be leaving Norfolk as you head in. Are you off to Thetford Forest then if the pics are anything to go by? Have fun.


  16. Oh my, love the cups an the cot and...

  17. I'm always very critical of anything I make.I think your cushion is lovely.Handmade things are so much more special as they are unique.
    Hope you have a great time in favourite place in all the world! :0)

  18. Hello, thank you for visiting and following my blog, its always nice to meet new people!

    I know what you mean about worrying about how neat seams stitches etc are. I was looking critically over all those hearts hoping everthing was perfect. Maybe its that creative gene we just want everything to look as perfect in real life as in our minds eye!

    Hope you get lovely weather camping in Norfolk. We too are hoping to get some camping trips in this summer too!

    P x

  19. My Mum had a milk jug that would have matched the greeny-grey cup and saucer, that's taken me back!

    Nothing wrong with your stitching, that cushion's lovely :)

  20. I just adore your fabrics...I can never find any so lovely...our vintage/charity shops never have lovely sheets.
    Love those treasures of yours...the little cream and sugar is adorable! Hugs to you my friend. oxoxo Happy Olympics!

  21. Hello! Such glorious pictures and fabulous fabrics.

    Nina x

  22. Thanks everyone for your encouraging comments! I shall just keep practising my stitches! Trouble is I am a bit of a perfectionist!
    The campsite we are stopping at is near the coast, the pictures are of woodland near our home. It looks like its going to be showery next week so I have packed our wellies! Hopefully we will get some sun but as this is Britain you never really know!we have a much bigger tent this year which has a bit we can cook in if things are very wet last year we had to dodge the showers to get to a utility tent we had, not fantastic if you are desperate for a cuppa!
    We are just going to settle down to watch the opening olympic ceremony- very exciting! Ada :) x

  23. wow - i love the 1950s samples - can't wait to see what you rustle up with those!!!


  24. The cushion looks pretty good to me! I love your charity shop treasure, you lucky thing! Those 50's fabric samples are gorgeous, and that jug and grandma had some of that set and I have the sugar bowl. I love it and use it constantly! x

  25. I think it makes a lovely cushion cover :) What great boot sale buys as hubbies Nan has the green tea set, I really adore them.
    Have a great time on your camping holiday..enjoy Norfolk!
    Magie x

  26. Love the your cream and sugar....and that cradle is precious!

  27. Happy holidays lovely Ada
    hope the sun shines for you and you have lots of fun xx
    Ps your stitching looks great to me :)

  28. I too am the queen of wonky stitchery! Love your fabric and colour combos. I also have the tray that matches your groovy pyrex gravy boat and I too have a thing for vintage dolly cots/cradles and wooden toys in general. Have a wonderful time away. melx

  29. I loved this post as it made me smile!
    The materials are wonderful and some times we can be our own worst critics....
    I know I am a little the same, I think it is because my hands go a ahead before my brain is in gear some times...hehe..
    Aww thanks for sweet words over on mine...
    Have a week full of fun!
    love Maria x

  30. Now anyone who comes to your house with be doing a cushion tally and wonder what their first life was!! Don't be scared of quilts, they are very forgiving and wonky stitches aren't noticeable on such a large scale!! Beautiful Prom Girl : -)

  31. Your cushion looks lovely :) I think some imperfections give quilts character, so don't be afraid to try making one, they are so easy to do. Have a lovely holiday, I hope it's full of fun and sunshine.
    Helen x

  32. Hi Ada,I loved it as a notebook cover and a cushion! LOVE your finds,especially the dolly cot,thats what I'm looking out for next;) lots of lovexxx

  33. Hi, I am a vintage sheet addict also. Have just found a little wooden dolls cot myself in the charity shop and will be fitting it out with bedding made from vintage sheets. Ann


Hello! Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts and messages with me. I read each and everyone and will try and answer any questions as quickly as I can! :)x