Thursday, 23 January 2014

Crochet Comfort......


It's been an emotional week this week, on lots of different fronts...
Sometimes dealing with such strong emotions, from others, as well as your own can be a real challenge.
I'm glad I can immerse myself in creativity, it helps me to recharge my depleted batteries.....
Coffee helps too.....I've added a little more to my Mothers Love blanket, very, very apt this week.
Cute cats in colourful blankets help too!
Being a parent is the hardest role I've ever taken on, it's also the most beautiful gift I've been given. It can be exhausting and exhilarating in equal measure.
It's almost the weekend, we have birthday celebrations happening, we almost have a teenager in the house.....I feel a whole new roller coaster ride on the horizon!
Have a great weekend everyone! Thanks for popping by....
Bye For Now,
Ada :) xxx
(Oh and Mr Bea has finished the other side of our kitchen! Yay!)



  1. Yarn... it's a cure for everything! Happy Birthday to the nearly teen, and I do hope you can have a lovely relaxed weekend to make up for all your stresses.

  2. PS ... the kitchen's looking lovely :)

  3. Love the blanket :) I find crochet a real comfort too, I love quiet time at night when I can relax with a little crochet :) x

  4. Dearest Ada

    So pleased that you have found comfort in all that yarny goodness. It's so weird as I am planning to call my next post Comfort Crocheting! maybe its that time of they year! Wishing happy birthday wishes for the weekend and the teenage years are always a challenge I think, a beautiful but hard priviledge being a parent at times I know. Sending love and hugs and lots of blessings to you and your lovely family xox

  5. Your kitchen looks gorgeous. Kids eh? We've got birthday celebrations on Saturday too. Our daughter will be a teenager too! Gawd help us! xx

  6. Life is tough sometime isn't it? Not the best week here - but hey ho - I'm luckier than some. Hope you have a great, crochet and colourful weekend. x

  7. Gorgeous kitchen... crochet is therapy most certainly. We're not given anything that we are not strong enough to deal with, but sometimes it is difficult to believe that. Take care xxx

  8. I think we're all feeling the blah of post-Christmas blues, stressed-out kids, etc. Thank goodness for yarn and hook! The colours alone are comforting and happy, and just look what you're making with them! Chrissie x

  9. Hang in there, the storms do pass. And thank heavens for some colourful crochet in the meantime to help ride out those storms.
    Kitchen looks lovely!
    Gill xx

  10. Parenting can bring our greatest joys but it can also test us to the max and bring our greatest sorrow. Hang in there though Ada - it really is worth it when those young children become our greatest friends as adults! Your kitchen is lovely by the way.

  11. I know exactly how your feeling this week Ada, with school work, hormones,uni exams, thank heavens for crochet, its pure meditation for me. Enjoy the weekend celebrations and the kitchen looks fab :) xxxxx

  12. oh i hear you, how i hear you! creativity is a saving grace here as well and it does has restorative powers! look for the magic, ride the storm and delight in the colour around you dear Ada...huge hugs xxxxxxx

  13. A big big hug???? Even these are good helpers!!!! ;oD
    xxxxxxx Ale

  14. Your crochet looks so colourful, and it is such a great way to feel calmer during stressful times. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Your kitchen is looking gorgeous :)
    Helen xox

  15. The kitchen's looking lovely. I know what you mean, creating saves my sanity quite a bit. Happy birthday to your almost teenager.

  16. Your kitchen looks beautiful so far. I hope things look up for you soon.

  17. It's so pretty, i love it, I'm glad it helps. Wow to the new kitchen, nice tiles! Heather x

  18. Some days are diamonds some days are stones. This too shall pass, you are indeed fortunate to have a creative outlet. It saved me when I faced tough times. And I think you will find many other stories like yours out there. Big hugs to an amazing mum.

  19. Aha. Teenagers. Say no more. Love your cheery stack o' crochet.

  20. Sorry that you are having a grotty time Ada, I really do hope that things pick up for you soon, or at least settle to an OK level. Give yourself a big hug from me and take care of yourself too. xx

  21. Love the crochet, it's so pretty. Happy Birthday celebrations. x

  22. children can be such hard work but also give such joy. mine are now 41 and 37 and still break my heart at times, it never ends . Good to see the crochet helped

  23. I am sorry things are tricky at home for you at present I am on a roller coaster ride with my 13 year old at the moment so much so he has been refered to CAMS the appointment cant come quick enough. But I have a new little puppy to help distract my mind a bit :-) love your crochet have fun with it, dee x

  24. Sorry that emotions have been riding high this week. I remember those times so well. Great that you can feel some calm through your crochet.

  25. So glad that the crochet helps - you make such lovely happy things! I'm finding a lot of comfort in making things too at the moment, which is just as well as I rarely leave the house these days xxx

  26. I'm glad you have an escape when things get too much. Your kitchen looks fantastic, well done Mr Bea! Sarah x

  27. Chin up and keep crocheting lady! Your house renovations are looking great. Jo x

  28. Well, your kitchen looks AMAZING!! Love it all, the white cupboards, the wooden counter and that amazing tiled wall ... wow! Your blanket is looking great, and obviously the cat thinks it should stay right there in your home. I'm sorry things are rough at the moment and hope it'll all ease up for you soon. Don't dread having teenagers, my kids calmed down as teenagers and things have been a lot less crazy ... so it's not always rocky territory. Enjoy your birthday celebrations Ada and enjoy your life one day at a time ;) Wendy xox

  29. Great minds think alike, I have just written a post about how crochet help me to unwind and focus on simple, positive things.

    Having teenagers in my house has been brilliant so far - embrace it!


  30. Hello lovely, yes parenting is by far the hardest thing I think most of us have ever taken on and every day brings new challenges, it does at times feel never ending. I hope the party yesterday went well and you all enjoyed it. Happy birthday to your lovely girl and I hope that this week will be a little calmer for you. Sending you much love and wishes for a lovely Sunday and a better week. Love keeping in touch via IG. xxx

  31. Ohh my goodness what would we do without crochet .It honestly lifts my sprits I love the process .It clears my mind all I have to think about is one stitch at a time, very comforting in a world full of chaos.

  32. I do have to say, Ada Bea, you have become very accomplished (and productive!) with the hook and yarn in a rather short time! Well done. Love your colourful creations.


  33. Gosh you are a crochet dynamo! Well done with your skills with thread and hook - 'tis a marvel
    Your newly decorated rooms looks a colourful delight - I like a bit of colour me....
    I wish you much happiness in 2014 Ada Bea
    Best wishes

  34. Oh my goodness...your kitchen is stunning!
    Wish I was your sweet kitty..all wrapped up in such JOYful colours!
    Happy New Week and Happy baking in that Kitchen of yours. xoxo

  35. Beautiful kitchen and love your darling kitty!! Have a wonderful day! xo Heather


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