Sunday, 5 April 2015

Lots of Inspiration and A Dash of Hope.....

Hello Everyone.....I wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter, but even if you aren't religious, or follow any Easter traditions, Spring is a still a great time of hope.


We gardeners really need to be an optimistic, bunch don't we, we pop some seeds in the soil, and we have to believe they will grow, they will flourish, become the plant they are destined to be.
If we weren't optimistic, if we didn't have hope, well what would be the point...we wouldn't want to plant those seeds, and we wouldn't need any hope.
I'm finding inspiration everywhere at the moment, each and everything I read seems to be leading me along to new discoveries, connecting with new people. It feels like I'm bursting with energy, yes it might only in my head, but I'm relishing in these new ideas.


It feels like for the first time in quite a while I've a plan, a new purpose. I know I can't run with it just yet, there's still lots things that need to slot into place first, but I'm hopeful they will. In myself I need to get stronger, mental strength, as well as physical strength.
It's not been easy, but I'm gradually turning my outdoor space around, and seeing the first seeds start to spring to life. I'm looking forward to spending more time outside, now that the days are getting longer, even if it's just to sit and have a cuppa, or glass of something!
I said I'd share with you three blogs which I'm really being inspired by at the moment...
Firstly Kate, she writes a blog Homegrown Kate. It's all about her families adventures on their allotment, how they grow organically and eat healthily, some great recipies and organic growing tips thrown in there too.
Next there's Tricia, from Little Eco Footprints, her blog is full of ways to live gently on this earth, to live well and make the most of what you have.
And lastly there's the blog written by Bec, Think Big Live Simply. Again it's a blog all about simple living.
So my mind is a buzz, and I'm meditating on my hopes and dreams, perhaps they will be caught up by the powers that be, who will gift them back to me. Perhaps they will become a reality. Now wouldn't that be good.
Told you we gardening types have hope, didn't I?
It's finally the Easter holidays here, and in a few days my little family and I will be experiencing our first proper trip abroad, to Florence. I know it's not going to be completely easy, for me physically getting around will be difficult, but there will be plenty of opportunities to sit and observe the Italian lifestyle! And for others in my family there will be the stress of the unfamiliar.
But I'm hoping the sun will be on my skin, and there will be wonderful food in my belly, and a feast for my eyes, with the wonderful architecture and art that Florence has to offer!
I'll be back in a week of so to share our stories,
Amanda :) xxx




  1. Enjoy your trip and all that luscious food. Happy Easter!
    Jacqui xx

  2. Spring does everybody a lot of good. Enjoy! And thanks for sharing your toughts again.

  3. Gardening is good to renew life every spring...for now I just hope snow disappears!!!!

  4. Have a wonderful time.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  5. Happy Easter! Enjoy your gardening and your travels!! xx

  6. Lovely post and I hope you and the family enjoy Easter and your time in Italy. Look forward to the photos! x

  7. Have a wonderful trip. Really enjoyed you're post Happy Easter it's good to dream sometimes
    Clare x

  8. Have a wonderful trip. It's a stay at home easter holiday here as Matt is revising for AS levels. 57 hours so far he tells me! I've been in the garden today, the greenhouse is tidied. The potting benches cleared, grass cut and some weeds removed. Now for a glass of wine, and to rest. x

    1. Sounds like you are both busy.....happy gardening Sara :) xxx

  9. I absolutely loved this post, you sound so positive and full of dreams and energy. I do hope that you're able to follow your dreams and achieve what you want to. The blogs you recommend sound fascinating, I shall go and have a look. I hope you have a wonderful time in Florence, it's somewhere I'd so love to visit one day. Your enthusiasm is infectious, I'm smiling as I type this. Hugs, CJ xx

    1. Thank you CJ, yes please pop over and check them out, I don't think you will be disappointed! ;) xxx

  10. Oh Amanda, what an inspiring post. I am so pleased you are feeling uplifted and forward looking and it is lovely to hear this. I'm so envying your lovely trip to Florence and hope that you'll manage to get around to where you'd like to see and that you'll regale us with your photos and stories when you get back.
    Happy Easter.

    1. Thank you my dear, I shall be taking it steady.....with lots of refreshment breaks built into the day, glass of cold Pino as I watch the Italians go by! ;) xxx

  11. Have a wonderful time in Florence, and I hope you gather the strength you need for your future plans!! Maybe pasta and gelato's will help!! X

  12. Enjoyed looking at your photo's .... love that rainbow.

    Have a super trip.

    All the best Jan

  13. Hope is so important to our humanity, Thank you for sharing and enjoy Florence.
    Cat ^..^

  14. I hope you have a fantastic break and hopefully a good rest too!! take care, Sharon x

    1. Thanks Sharon, I think the sun will do us all good! :) xxx

  15. Have a beautiful hope filled Easter! your seeds of inspiration sound interesting. Good holidays and holiday prep to you! enjoy. X

  16. Thank you for the mention! I'm thrilled you are getting inspiration from Think Big...and you are absolutely right, gardening is all about hope and optimism ;) Hope you had a lovely Easter xx

    1. Thanks've got a great space going on there, love your approach on life! :) xxx

  17. Good luck with the gardening plans, I'm sure it will flourish. Its always great to get tips from other blogs and to know others share the same passion for growing. Your trip to Florence sounds lovely, somewhere I've always wanted to go. Enjoy :)

    1. I love seeing other peoples gardens too, good to share hints, tips....even the disasters! :) xxx

  18. We've been outside in the sunshine tending to our little garden too, it's lovely watching the new sprouts poking their heads through. It's such a relief to be back outside with the sun shining and fresh air.x

    1. So much has developed since I've been away Gemma, I will have a good old look around today, it was raining yesterday when we returned so it was a mad dash! ;) xxx

  19. Have a wonderful time in Italy, my dear! Your flowers and stunning, and that blanket - oh my :) Enjoy that sun on your sweet face! xo

    1. It's one beautiful city, I loved being back! ;) xxx

  20. I'm late reading your blog this week. I hope you have a wonderful time in Florence. Soak up the sun, the views and the food. Take it easy and enjoy yourself.

    1. Thank you Sharon, the sun, food and city were all marvellous! :) xxx


Hello! Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts and messages with me. I read each and everyone and will try and answer any questions as quickly as I can! :)x